
1: You got lucky, then.
2: Yes, they are important. It's not a dealbreaker (obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be buying it) but it's still a stupid limitation and it's annoying. Checking the social feed for friends's achievements is part of the fun, otherwise I'd stick with never activating the games I bought like I used

Yep. It's possible to kill everyone in the smoke by spamming the hidden blade attack and walking around, why bother aiming?

Because all other game companies have PC versions that are identical to the console ones. Right. They could deliver on time if they wanted to - they just don't want to.

Oh I don't know, maybe because of the history of release delays and the always online DRM that they only discarded a while ago AND fucking Uplay, which is absolutely awful and causes tons of problems AND the fact that they force you to use two layers of DRM if you buy the game on Steam and won't even give you

If you really think that games cannot "feel fluid" on PC, then I don't know what to tell you. Seriously. Moving the camera to look around while moving in the same direction is also possible, and it's honestly not a problem for any gamer who has spent some time on kb/m. Maybe I can't use the motion sensor to aim the

Hopefully. Or maybe they just didn't give a fuck about the PC version and it simply wasn't finished on time. Who knows?

Why the hell would Journey be an abysmal and unimpressive experience with kb/m? I played through the game at a friend's house with a controller (long story short: I'm shit with controllers and they make my hands hurt) and while it was beautiful, I still wished I could play it at home, with a method of input I'm

But do you have to eavesdrop while tailing people and do they happen in restricted areas? THAT'S THE IMPORTANT QUESTION

...well that's just pathetic.

I would give a kidney for DmC 2, seriously. Bought the game three times - if I could, I'd go to the dev HQ and throw my wallet at them. *sob*

I played DMC3 and 4 - never quite finished 3 and it was a struggle to get through 4 because I lost interest when I realised that I have to backtrack through all of Nero's levels. DmC, though? I played through it on literally all difficulty levels (something I never do), have almost 100 hours in the game and I'm still

I couldn't even watch the whole thing - I kinda just clicked around and listened to a few sound bites because it was too painful. Why the hell do fans act like this? (I tend to hide from the people I admire, even if they offer to take a picture with me and then it's all very awkward. Ah, fandom.)

Bah, moe. I used to be okay with moe stuff, but it feels like *everything* is moe these days and it's boring as hell. Also, it's really creepy when they try to do "sexy" scenes with characters that look like they're 12. No thank you, I don't want to see fanservice-y scenes with little girls. *shudders*

Fanshaming... *snerk* Please tell me you're not serious?

I think Kinja lost my post... fuck. Anyway, thanks for the video, couldn't quite finish it due to an insane amount of second-hand embarrassment though! Why do fans act like this? (Reminds me of the time one of my favourite YouTubers got chased across a spiky fence in England - poor dude put a few holes in himself.

Oooh, what video is this? Do you have a link?

It's probably the screaming manchild factor. I can understand getting upset or enthusiastic about games, but these ear-piercing shrieks are a bit too much...

This, all of this. One can have an eating disorder without being a complete ass to others.

Fair enough. Still, I'm not sure letting these things slide creates a healthy atmosphere *or* image when it comes to pro gaming. It would be nice if they went mainstream, no?