Sooo you think it's okay to act like this in public?
Sooo you think it's okay to act like this in public?
Do people actually break controllers? I thought everyone just said that... wow. Those are some pretty expensive rage issues! (I tend to just beat the table with my fist, that way nothing gets broken. *cough*)
And he's allowed to stay in the competition... why, exactly? Are there really no rules against this shit? Dude has the emotional restraint of a toddler.
I'm almost there! I managed to fix the shitty resolution, calibrated the mouse buttons for attacks/parrying/etc. and made the cursor disappear from the middle of the screen - now I just have to fix the horrendous negative mouse acceleration and I'm good to go. Right now, it's stuck on "playable, but inaccurate" - the…
Yep! I love that game waaaaay too much and the easiest way to share the love is to throw it at people for free, hah.
Pffft. :D I would totally buy even more copies of DmC but I don't have enough gamer friends for that!
Gotta admit - I kind of loved the hair. It added a fun little detail to an otherwise disappointing game :P
You can just buy them as gifts, you know. I did the same thing with the new DmC game, so now half of my friends own it, hah.
The first Witcher game I played was W2 - I had no idea what I was getting into, I just picked it up because the protagonist looked cool, to be honest. The game does a decent job of explaining the lore of the world/character, so you won't miss out on much. Oh, and the gameplay is really different, so there's a good…
Oh, those. Those were just embarrassing. Witcher =/= Pokémon.
Yeah, if you weren't unlucky enough to get it on day 1... I literally could not make the game run without crashing to desktop after a few minutes. It took them multiple weeks to fix it. I really love PC gaming, but TR had a LOT of issues at launch. I ended up playing something else while I waited for the dev…
Yeah, gotta agree. Witcher 2 was much better.
The video froze when the player realised that I'm on broadband and tried to up the quality. *sigh* What the hell.
I love you. Just sayin'.
We'll see what happens. Anyhoo, thanks for the video! I talked to the guy who made it on YouTube and he's pretty sure I can make it work, so I'm hoping for the best.
I got a decent-looking PC keyboard config recommendation in this thread, so I'll try that first. We'll see what happens.
Ah, but are they more atrocious than I am with a controller? :P :D
Here's the thing: I really do want to just plug a controller in and play it like that, but all of my earlier attempts to play games with a controller have ended in massive failure. I can play JRPGs just fine because they don't require fast reactions but that's about it.
Thanks for the video, I might try that. (I wish…
If I had a controller... (I had one, but it got lost somewhee.) Thing is, I absolutely cannot do precise & fast controls with a gamepad and that probably won't fly too well with this game. I'm really torn on this because I want to get the game but why bother if I'm just going to suck at it?
I suppose it can't be all that bad if there's mouse support and you can remap the keys... bah. Maybe I'll just watch a keyboard player on YouTube and see how they fare.