
Hm. I wonder just how bad it could get, though - the entire internet loves to rant about how Assassin's Creed should ONLY EVER BE PLAYED WITH A CONTROLLER OMG KEYBOARD SUXX, but I've never had a problem with that series either. I'd rather not buy it if it's going to be non-functional...

Hmm. I wonder if the DSFixes I keep hearing about would help, though? (Apparently installing the fixes is pretty much mandatory since the PC port is so shoddy...)

Question for y'all: should I buy this game if I'm awful with controllers? Are the keyboard controls badly ported enough to warrant using one? I've been playing on PC since I was ten and although I got a PS2 and played a few games on it at some point, I couldn't quite get used to it. No matter how much I tried to get

The problem is that the jiggle physics fail so hard that it stops being sexy... seriously, it's awfully hard to not giggle at this video and I doubt that's what they were going for.

That is oddly poetic.

"Games are meant to be played on a huge screen from the couch. It's about presentation."

It's strange. I've heard so many people on the internet say that kb/m controls are OMGHORRIBLE!!!1!!1 for 3rd person games (like, say, Asscreed) and I just don't get it. I never had any difficulty playing those games without a controller, what gives? Maybe these people are just not very good with a kb/m setup?

Hell no. The whole "white dude with brown hair" design gets old really fast - besides, I'd rather play as a woman if I can.

Gotta disagree with you on DMC4... I couldn't even make it all the way through. The game was boring enough with Nero and not even Dante could make it worth my time. It felt extremely repetitive and pointless and the backtracking level design just made it a slap in the face. (Creating one half of a game and trying to

It really amuses me when people say DmC's story is shit compared to the other games. Because DMC3's "go up the demon tower and kill shit" narrative is so smart and deep, right? Classic Dante is cool and I love him, but it's much easier to connect to New!Dante as a person.

*blinks* Is that from... The Ring? Man, I feel old...

Glad it's not just me! My fingers aren't particularly sausage-y but handling Gawker comments on my phone is a nightmare.

I don't know about autocorrect (I never use it) but I find the pop-out style comment threads really annoying on mobile - the damn boxes don't always react immediately to my input, especially when I'm in an area with shitty internet. The problem is that I don't know if I missed my "click" or not so I tend to poke it

Awww! It's 2013, you can carry a purse if you want. :3

How have they gotten better for mobile users? They threw away the old mobile site that was fast and really easy to navigate - now I'm forced to use the desktop layout for my phone, which is a pain in the ass. Especially when my connection is slow.

This, so much. I wouldn't tell strangers on the internet that I'm depressed or whatever (that is pretty personal) but having to hide the fact that I'm a woman? Seriously? Are we supposed to treat that as some kind of deeeeeep secret? (It doesn't help with the whole "all gamers are young straight men" stereotype,

...I think my ovaries just exploded

Don't be silly! If you have big hands, you are obviously a man. END OF STORY. (This article is ridiculous. I'm as butch as you get and I don't mind being called mannish because I am, but... c'mon, way to generalise.)

*gasp* Stop making sense! Looking at shit before you buy it is harrrrrd!

(Seriously, I can't believe this article exists. *snuggles HTC One gently* )

Wolverine, you say?