
Oh dear. He must have the metabolism of a cat.

I don't really care when it's cold during the day, mind - I can always just put on a hoodie or something. But I'm a shitty sleeper anyway and when I wake up twice a night because my feet or hands are cold and can't get back to sleep, I get a bit annoyed. :P Cold nights are eeeeevil.

H-hi, DeltaEchoBravo's Dad ;___;

Ugh, sleeping in a cold room is a horrible, horrible thing. It doesn't matter how many blankets you pile up, the minute you toss and turn in your sleep a little, your hands or feet will poke out from under the covers and bam! Cold air wake-up time!

That's okay, I prefer to do the tanking myself anyway.

Maybe. Guess I'll never know, because I shoved him away to the back of the ship as soon as I could.

Goddamn devs, screwing with our emotions... Some of my finger joints hurt for days after finishing the game because I was gripping the mouse so hard during the last few scenes. Not even kidding.

I didn't know that on my first playthrough, though (and on my second, Renegade!Shep lied to Wreav about the cure anyway so it didn't really matter). I guess it all worked out in the end, but I wouldn't have been too sad about a full Krogan extinction. Anyway, I consider the Paragon playthrough to be my final save, so

My head is fine, thank you very much. I don't see why anyone would like him, but it's okay to not like the same characters - a novel concept, I know!


He was, uh... better than Miranda, I guess? :'D She'll always be the Most Hated Character in the ME series for me, right before Kaidan and Ashley. Too bad I couldn't leave both of those two to blow up with the nuke.

I was really torn on that one. I have two Sheps - my first playthrough was full Paragon, the second full Renegade - and agreeing to cure the genophage felt like pulling teeth. Yes, okay, fine, I said I'll do it because I'm the good guy but deep down inside, I didn't really want to. I was thinking that they'll probably

Maybe they are. A bit. Sometimes. *cough* Can't make myself dislike the dinosaur kitty aliens, though.

Well, if more of them were like Wrex, maybe I wouldn't hate them so much, hah. Eve was pretty cool, too bad I couldn't recruit her as a team member. (It doesn't help much with this whole Krogan thing that I adore Turians and tend to take their side whenever I can - yes, they did some pretty shitty things, but for some

I know - still couldn't quite make myself like them, though. I guess they made a really bad first impression.

Maybe it's just me and my friends? I hated him and avoided bringing him to missions whenever I could. The two friends I have who played ME aren't fans, either. (Then again, I hated all the Krogans in the game except for Eve - not a huge fan of HURR SMASH DURR races/clans/whatever fictional group you can think of.)

I'm not sure - I can't recall if AC3 was always online DRM or not. *scratches head* We'll see how they handle it when AC4 comes out on PC. I'll probably get a torrent backup anyway - you never know these days.

Wait, people actually liked Wrex? I didn't let him die because it would've felt wrong, but... I don't know, he didn't come off as a very likable character.

I see. Still, it's really stupid. Steam is a perfectly fine distribution/DRM platform, and if Ubi's afraid pirates are going to crack the game, well - that will probably happen even if they force UPlay. I played the pirated versions AC2, Brotherhood and Revelations (I own all the games) and after a massive save sync

Because he's really irritating and and his fans like to spend their time going to other LPers' videos to scream about how they should stop copying Pewdie.