...right until the point when you go online again and then it overwrites your saves with age-old ones. Even when cloud sync is supposedly off. Gah
...right until the point when you go online again and then it overwrites your saves with age-old ones. Even when cloud sync is supposedly off. Gah
My PC isn't causing the problems, UPlay is. It's not a "PC issue" when DRM software tells me to log in in online mode first before accessing offline mode, then throws me back to the login screen, preventing me from doing the very thing it tells me to.
Yes. Goddamn fucking thing lost me hours of AC3 gameplay when it randomly synced some older saves over my up-to-date ones on my PC.
Yep, Day 1 purchase. Wonder if there will be Steam achievements, though... I kinda want them.
Ass Flag... *snicker*
Aw man, I loved King of the Nerds. I thought it was hilarious :C
You have no idea how lucky you are. ;____;
I'm so, SO glad we don't have school uniforms here. Having to wear skirts during all my school years would have sucked. And those socks... wtf, just wtf.
I love you.
Let's be realistic, dude. Hungarians never get the good stuff :P
...goddamnit, cannot unsee. Unhear. Unread. You know what I mean.
Gah, this is one of the reasons I hate make-up. I'm utterly shit with faces and don't recognise people when they randomly put make-up on or take it off (whatever I'm used to). Evil, I tells ya!
Oh god yes. What makes it even worse that it pre-rendered CG obviously can't handle your character's costume changes or new skins or whatever - it's really distracting when a cutscene starts and your character suddenly looks completely different.
I never understood why native speakers get this wrong all the time.
..."fun"? Fun, seriously? Did you just compare the effects of hallucinogenic drugs that you willingly took to psychosis? Because I don't even know what to say to that. Jesus.
1: It's not the same for everyone.
2: People with psychosis enjoying themselves... what the hell? It's a terrifying experience when reality starts warping around you.
Eh, I try. It's really frustrating when you want to pay the devs and they won't let you. I mean, they're actively making an effort to refuse your money and force you to pirate! What the fuck is up with that?
Fortunately we were able to find a workaround (an English friend was nice enough to risk a purchase of…
It's not such a big deal. The text in Pokémon isn't overly complicated and I know quite a few people who already knew to read at age 5.