
Ugh, that. ;___; The statue did nothing for me but then I saw that little stone pokémon and BAM! Tears everywhere. Not sure why.

This is actually a pretty standard thing in certain regions (like, say, Hungary). Skyrim's store page was completely locked away from me on Steam - I could see the (store-bought) game in my library and got the achievements, but I couldn't buy a gift copy or any of the DLC. Which is unfortunate, because they didn't

Of course they used To Mega Therion. Of course they did.

So jealous of y'all! I was never really good at this game since the in-game layout was English only and I'm used to a Hungarian keyboard - I kept messing the punctuation marks up and after a while I just quit. I don't think I ever defeated the final boss.

Sweet baby Jesus, this. Food is such a waste of time and money. I always read or watch something while eating, it's boring as fuck.

So glad I only wear sports bras.

Kitty to the rescue!

Ahaha... it totally does. I'm all "so WHAT if getting whispery imaginary haircuts helps me relax and fall asleep?" Explaining the tingles to someone who doesn't get them is pretty much impossible and sounds all sorts of wrong. Ffffuuuu...

Gotta agree with you on the gene/brain wiring thing - so many people just don't get it and then it gets really awkward.

Nnnnnnooooo the roleplay ASMR videos are awesome! ;___;

I only watched the video because you mentioned ASMR (came here for the comments!) and hoooooly shit you're right. That is some tingly-ass stuff right there.

Bookmarked those, thanks!

You need to stop typing. This is not a video game, you know.

Dude, that's like... so deep, bro. Dude.

Note to self: read Williams when done with WoT. That sounds amazing.

Hmm, interesting. What Sanderson books have you read? I'm assuming Mistborn, since that's what most people are familiar with? I've only recently bought a Kindle so I'm not as up to date with modern fantasy as I should be (Hungarian translations tend

Cannot unhear Wheatley. It's just not going to happen. Ever.

Middle of the road, yes, and it's killing me. It could have been so much better.

Oh, that happened to me too. I listened to the audio books up to Book 4 or 5 (boring job that I had to do completely alone, but at least I could listen to what I wanted) and I thought I'd finish them a few years later. Nope... completely forgot everything, had to start from the beginning. Sigh. Guess my two-hour

Too big for her britches... that is perfect.

Yeah, seriously. Birgitte and Cadsuane are the only ones from the main(ish) cast who aren't complete idiots. I liked Aviendha when she was a warrior but he's started to turn her into the same "Tee hee look silks and dresses ain't I pretty? I am womanz, also I'm a hormonal teenager" character everyone is. I still have