
It kinda fails, though. None of the women I know act like this - certainly not anyone over 18. WoT is a big teenage hormone party, I guess. :P It sucks because the worldbuilding is awesome and the story is interesting, but the annoying-as-fuck characters make me enjoy the books much less than I otherwise would.

Pretty much. I really enjoy the books, but sometimes it feels like a virgin teenage boy wrote them. Did the man not have enough sex? Was he not aware of the fact that he can find pictures of boobies in certain magazines or what? It's seriously annoying because all that detail makes me feel like I'm constantly staring

Remember to do it hard enough for everyone to notice! (Early balding due to constant scalp assault optional)

There's some serious bad communication going on in those books. Half of the time I just want to shake the characters and scream at them because they all act like petulant children. All of them. Even the characters who should really know better. Gah!

Yep. After the fifth or so book I pretty much stopped reading dress descriptions, I just skim over them really quick to pick up the colour and fanciness or whatever. Sometimes I wonder if the man had some hidden fashion designer aspirations...

Hahaha oh god I know. I'm on a massive WoT binge right now (book 11, only a few more to go!) and I'm just so fucking sick of it. I mean, I'm a huge fan of cleavage in general, but come on, just how many times do you need to remind me that X character has "HUEG TITTAYZ LOOK LOOK LOOK"? Because that's what it feels like.

"Plunging neckline", eh... does anyone else feel like they're reading a Wheel of Time book now? Robert Jordan loves that phrase.

Oh good, now I'm going to have Berserk nightmares D:

Whut? Since when is being forced to buy a new console just to be able to play one game a good thing? (Not that I ever would because it's a ridiculous waste of money, but still...)

That sounds like a horrible idea. Tree bark should NOT go near the vag. D:

I'm very sure that shoving a tampon up one's vagina will not make the person feel better. Painkillers, sure, but not tampons. Tampons are designed in a way that allows them to sit in the vagina without the user realising they're there - if you can feel it, it's was probably put up clumsily or is very full and needs to

That's not how periods work.

We'll see. If they make such an expansion, I'll consider buying it. (I'm a PC gamer so I can't play it right now anyway :P )

Eh, I'm not sure. I still think it would have worked if they would've, you know, tried a little. Sucks that they didn't bother. Maybe in the next game.

Maybe, maybe not. I'm pretty meh about GTA (I find the games a tad bland and boring... not sure why, since I tend to waste hundreds of hours in Morrowind, Oblivion or Skyrim), but the addition of a female main character would have been a nice twist to the old formula. Maybe I would have even bought a copy. They

Yeah, I did. Games with female protagonists are sometimes... awkward (Remember Me, Tomb Raider reboot, I'm looking at you! Still haven't gotten over annoying whiny Lara) because the mostly male devs will take their preconceptions about what women are supposed to be like into the game and the result isn't always

Hmm... didn't know that. I thought you lost everything when you died. It's probably still not for me, but maybe I'll get it the during the Steam summer sale or something...

(What's with the lack of pause option, though? Is that true for both Dark and Demon's Souls?)

The way I see it, I get stressed and challenged more than enough in real life. I don't usually want extra stress on top of that and I find it pretty weird when people do. Different strokes, I guess.

That is beautiful.

What, seriously? Having the same story for male and female characters in SR was awesome! You finally got to have some fun without having to deal with the extra baggage that comes with game devs' ideas of a female main character.