
I'm... sure dying again and again and again is fun for some people. :P Thing is, I have insanely little free time and I'm just not willing to spend it on dying over and over again. Too bad, because the game world seems really interesting, but I can't be bothered to suffer through it.

(Also, no pause option? Whaaaat.)

Depends on your definition of "fun", I guess. :P

That... doesn't sound like fun. At all.

Huh, that's strange. I tend to run into a lot of anti-butch sentiment ("if I wanted to date someone who looks like a man, I'd date a man!") and femmes, especially high femmes, seem to be extremely desirable, prized rarities. Never heard of people putting down femmes - if anything, they're praised for "fitting in" and

Too little, too late.

Why the hell is everyone complaining about the PC controls of AC? Seemed fine to me...

Oh god yes. I desperately wanted to play this game but the Vita I borrowed from a friend broke my hands - looking forward to playing this with kb/m!

It's pretty good, you should definitely give it a try.

Fair enough! I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I like to make sure that I've practiced everything sufficiently before moving on to the next difficulty level. Forcing me to do something I wasn't ready for was basically the best way to make me quit playing. Glad they'll fix this!

You liked the dynamic style? I thought it was awful. Sometimes I just wanted to practice a song on an easier setting before jumping to a harder difficulty and the goddamn game wouldn't let me and made it harder as soon as I got into it. Didn't help that the gap between the two difficulties was too big - suddenly I was

Really looking forward to this. Rocksmith was a good idea, but the execution was flawed and I stopped playing after a while because there was no way to customise difficulty properly. I just got frustrated and went back to strumming chords and singing on my acoustic. Will definitely be buying this game, though.

That's strange. I had no issues at all (playing in DX10 mode with a 650 Ti).

I've used various Garnier brands over the years (cheaper ones and more expensive ones). I never had any problems with them, unlike Schwartzkopf. (That shit leaks from your hair!)

That's probably because the work they do is mostly shit (at least when it comes to translating English games). Most European countries seem to do game translation the "Okay, let's just hire some uni students who will translate this for a low price" way. The results are predictably awful.

We'll bang, OK?

I wanted to play it but I couldn't find it anywhere. :C

Oh god, those people are annoying as fuck. It's just a door, it doesn't matter which of us walks through it first. Jesus.

Nah, it's just that his fanbase is pretty rabid and tends to spam other LPers' channels. People don't react well to that.

Now if only Pewdie's fans could stop commenting on Toby's videos... I'm really sick of seeing "OMG TOBY U KOPIED FROM PEWDIEPIE U SUKC REPORTED" etc. all over Toby's Let's Plays. It actually made me dislike Pewds. I know it's not his fault, but it gets grating after a while.