Huh... that's strange. My thighs touch (they always have, even when I was "officially" underweight - I have a serious case of DEM THIGHS going on) and my jeans wear out really fast, but I never got rashes. Maybe it's a skin sensitivity thing?
Huh... that's strange. My thighs touch (they always have, even when I was "officially" underweight - I have a serious case of DEM THIGHS going on) and my jeans wear out really fast, but I never got rashes. Maybe it's a skin sensitivity thing?
I do remember the talk, I'm just that awful at remembering faces and names. Boo for me! Now to slither away into a corner and die from awkwardness... :'D
Eh, I dunno. Rumble immediately reminds me that I'm holding a controller in my hand and that it's just a game - it's a horrible immersion breaker for me.
Yeah, same here. It's really annoying and distracts me from the game - I turn it off whenever I can.
Okay, I have to ask (as someone who's pretty used to playing as a person of the opposite gender). Why don't you like playing as a female character?
That's... don't even joke about that. D:
Oh dear... every time someone mentions that they liked the new DmC the debate starts all over again. I agree with you, though - loved the shit out of it, I have more than 90 hours clocked on Steam and I'm still not done playing it, hah. Amazing game.
That is a horrible idea. One does not simply buy a bra without trying it on first.
...tears in my morning coffee. Damn it.
Is... is that a parody site or are they seriously selling HDMI cables for that much? Please tell me that I'm just really slow today and I missed the joke...
PC version looks much better, and kb/m is perfect if you want to go for headshots. I'd definitely get it on Steam.
Well, the article is about DLC... spoilers are kinda expected, dontcha think?
Um, it's definitely not a cultural thing. I've lived my entire life here in Budapest and it does happen. Fortunately, no one ever pulled my earbuds out of my ear, but dudes did touch my shoulder/book to make me take my earbuds out or just waved in front of my face until I couldn't read any longer. It's everywhere.
Yeah, pretty much all this. Do I want a female Doctor? Hell yes. Do I want Moffat to write her? Nope, nope, nope. Moff couldn't write decent female characters to save his life.
Effexor, now with the added bonus of tardive dyskinesia! *shudder* Ugh, Effexor. I twitched months after quitting. Fuck the doctor who thought it'd be fun to make me take it.
It's really none of their business. It gets even more awkward if the person in question has an eating disorder - congratulations, you've reinforced destructive behaviour! It's better to just not say anything about a person's weight in 99% of everyday social situations, really.
I find bats very cute, I actually saved one from drowning in my toilet (no idea how it got there) but my doctor made me get rabies shots anyway. She said that even though it's unlikely that I was infected with rabies, it's worth not the risk. (I never realised that rabies was so deadly - according to google, once the…
Terrifying/ridiculous bat story time: I found a live bat in my toilet once. The damn thing was drowning in it. Of course I didn't notice it before I was done with my business and about to flush... and then I picked it out of the filthy water, put it in the sink, and took it to the vet. Ta-dah! (I still can't use that…
Hahah... I suppose it's all fine unless one throws the controller/keyboard into the TV!