M. Hoskins

Why would he?

It’s true. We definitely haven’t had enough discussion about the positive merits of ethnic cleansing. This is a side that should be debated more robustly and hasn’t really had a fair chance to flesh itself out. Quickly, fellow 14 year old Libertarians! To Reddit!

Yay more one sided propaganda from Kotaku

10 minutes of people angry that the servers were down, 10 years in a box where a large angry man watches you poop. Sounds worth it.

Doubt you’d be okay with your 15-year-old getting a tattoo. All the reasons why are the problems it indicates. In general kids who are “doing the right thing and going somewhere” don’t have tattoos in 9-10th grade.

Lol oh we never went anywhere, we were just fortunate enough to enjoy the brief period that the genre laid dormant.

Regardless of context?

So basically they have made her look more Japanese now despite the fact that she is actually supposed to be British.

If I see a spider large enough that it requires an Xbox One to kill, I am nuking the house from sapce.

Congratulations Konami you are thoroughly pissing off people left and right, how very Capcomesque of you.

I think it's important to let people speak their mind, man. Taking away people's words doesn't make anyone feel better.