not entirely true, there’s Seth and I think his name is Alan on the nucleus team? you’re right that the only Asian character with a long story arc was foreign, but there have definitely been several other Asian American actors on the show.
not entirely true, there’s Seth and I think his name is Alan on the nucleus team? you’re right that the only Asian character with a long story arc was foreign, but there have definitely been several other Asian American actors on the show.
like I said, I think most of the racial animus among Trump supporters has to do with the flagging economy. yes, you get the odd David Duke type but I wouldn’t say he’s representative of the group or their goals: they are mostly working to lower-middle class and want a return to the type of economy that could afford…
see... I see that as a good thing. fuck dog whistling, the open racism and xenophobia that Trump’s campaign has allowed is the reckoning that the GOP has had coming for a long time.
...have you ever seen the show?
I’m not a republican, my guy, I’m just reporting the views of my family(and many of their friends) who are Trump supporters. and as an Ohioan I will... keep my mouth shut about Kasich. his good-guy-greg campaign shtick is a load of horseshit. I’m not kidding if you put a gun to my head I’d vote for Trump before…
I’ve always seen the lack of diversity on the show as an implicit criticism of silicon valley culture. I think having a diverse cast despite the whiteness of the real silicon valley would serve to protect the very people they’re trying to mock.
eehh it doesn’t really have much to do with black people. my family are Trump supporters and while they’re certainly no Black Lives Matter activists, they don’t really care. Trump and Sanders are actually riding the same wave of discontent but from different angles. Trump supporters are the blue collar, degree-less…
im a little concerned that his hairline looks spray painted on in that picture, though.
you’re missing a lot of information here. Ohio had two shiteous gubernatorial administrations (Taft, a Republican, and Strickland, a Democrat) that left the budget in shambles. the fiscally-conservative budget was genuinely needed to reign in bureaucratic bloat. failing schools have also plagued ohio— and many other…
he’s one of those rare celebs (and i didn’t know the first thing about one direction) who is so attractive it makes me uncomfortable. like some uncanny valley overly-chiseled shit.
this kind of shit makes me mad because i love NC. there’s so much going on in progressive politics (mostly behind the scenes, but still!) and when this kind of dumbfuckery makes the news it makes us all look like backwater hicks.
IIRC ohio had some issues around this... they got sued for allowing people to use state property to make a political statement or whatever. they got around this by adding something about adoption to the plates too. it still says Choose Life but also something like “Adoption Builds Families”
its not necessarily a funding issue... I attended a school district (Cleveland public) that received *a lot* of state money and was still failing. the problem that people don’t want to talk about is that there’s a lot of corruption at the administrative level. people steer money into contracts with companies they have…
this shit is just so exhausting now. these people just don’t give up trying to come up with chickenshit ways to make a perfectly legal procedure unpleasant, as if that will deter desperate women.
In terms of reflecting the real world, international versions of Vogue continue to be way better at diversity than American Vogue.
he ran at the wrong time... with some charisma training i think he could actually be a decent candidate. i’d rather have the republican electorate supporting someone who believes healthcare is a right, is level-headed, and actually has a solid grasp of economics than... well... any of the candidates we’re left with in…
no one is saying she has to hide behind a veil, just that it’s hypocritical for someone who’s face has completely transformed over the past decade (though she denies having work done, natch) and who never leaves the house without a full face of makeup to try and brand herself as someone who embraces her flaws. she…
thats interesting... i googled and you are correct. i have a packet of them that uses the term ‘kaffir lime leaves’
old, computer-illiterate people who post sassy garfield and betty boop “memes” (not sure what else you’d call them?) about how much they hate mondays single-handedly ruined Facebook.
trousers doesn’t have an offensive connotation. for someone who has spent so much time in and amongst the black community, and who has most assuredly been coached in rhetoric, this was a gaffe. it was meant to to be a memorable soundbite but it fell flat.