
i think they mean that it’s taken on an offensive and racialized meaning, which is why white people usually use euphemisms like ‘inner city.’ it was a bit of a gaffe and i cringed when he said it live, but i agree this is a bit nitpicky.

...are you trying to suggest he was talking about the warsaw ghetto or something? like this is some yiddish throwback that he folksily throws around without knowing any better? he was using the word for the contemporary american meaning.

cleveland’s districts were gerrymandered to hell and back a few years ago too.

he’s extremely selective about which parts of his record he talks about, which leaves him with about 2 accomplishments he can discuss. fortunately nobody else in the field cares enough about him to call him out.

the midwest is becoming more conservative as the mid-atlantic becomes more liberal. ohio has always been a bastion of social conservatives, but when locals talk about the state in general they like to play up the more progressive aspects even as they dwindle. ohioans also have a lot of pride and have really worked

virginity worship and paternal ownership fantasies (still! in 2016!) are both toward the top of my list of things that creep me out.

gonna go out on a limb and surmise that men are also the ones doing the bulk of the harassing (assuming online harassment mirrors other crime trends generally.) they also disproportionately get called names, embarrassed, or threatened with violence. i wonder how much of the harassment they encounter, then, is either

haha... it might not be universal but I used one of those multi-chat programs that let you use AIM and MSN and whatever else at the same time and it logged chats.

I basically fall into a pit of self-loathing and want to die anytime I think of who I was 5 or 10 years ago. uugh how could I have possibly dated that guy or said that weird thing to that friend who stopped talking to me afterward. I’m glad I thought I was too indie (groan, I know) for myspace in high school. AIM chat

meh... most of these comments could have been written by me to my equally loser friends in high school, I’m not above admitting that. we were all about the cringey inside jokes.

FLDS types are notorious for abusing welfare... since only the first marriage is legally recognized subsequent wives can claim to be unemployed single mothers with however many dozens of kids. and it doesn’t bother them morally because they see the US as an evil “Babylon” that god is going to strike down anyway...

yeah and its especially sad since they don’t get any semblance of a real education, just FLDS religious guff. so they’re cast out as teenagers with a second grade education and maybe some rudimentary construction skills if they’re lucky. a lot of them fall into addiction and homelessness.

if memory serves (these sorts of cults fascinate me) they plan towns that straddle state lines on purpose. it doesn’t necessarily make crimes more difficult to prosecute once they’re found out but it does make it much more difficult for police to conduct raids since their jurisdiction ends halfway through the town.

khloe’s awful lip injections make me uncomfortable.

what trump has done to the GOP has been such delicious schadenfreude for me. establishment republicans have had this coming for a long time: trump has taken all their carefully concealed social baggage and laid it bare. and the funny thing is i don’t even think he’s sincere when he makes these outrageous statements,

he always looked like he started getting work done too young, he’s got that wax figure thing going on.

my family has an inside joke around gift-giving, where if we don’t like a gift we acknowledge it’s objective features: “ooh, a blue shirt with polkadots! thank you so much!”

they see any attempts to make video games more inclusive— and, by extension, less offensive and marginalizing to certain groups of people— as tyrannical overreach and creatively stifling. and you know what? there might be a point to be made here if it was anything but another hamfisted attempt to roll back the

I’d be a damn dirty liar if I said I wasn’t gleeful at how Trump is dismantling the GOP system. the anxiety among conservative leaders is palpable... and delicious. Cruz, Rubio, and Bush all followed the conservative electoral formula (christian and traditionalist pandering) to a tee and have been shut down every step

I live far away from any immediate family. my closest relatives are my inlaws, who are still about a 3 hour drive from me. the idea of supporting even one kid on $40,000/year (and I don’t live in an especially expensive part of the country) without family to fall back on sounds impossible to me. the only foreseeable