
Hey, do whatever you need to do to address the problem. If you need god, go to god. If you don’t, do some introspection but, at the very, VERY least, do something.

Penises are horrible, scrotums are horrible, vaginas are horrible. It’s all covered down there for a reason, folks.

Good luck out there, man. He’s pretty deep in white country with the NHL so it’s only going to get harder from here.

Ah, the old “if we don’t see the issue, there is no issue” tactic, eh? Ya, cause that’s worked out so well in the past.

And better toilet paper in public bathrooms! I’m trying to sanitize myself, not draw blood, damnit!

Always root for the home team

It just goes to show, everyone’s on your side until you remind them they’re not perfect, either. Critsism is an important part of life and no one ever gets anywhere by ignoring it.

I know no one should be surprised by this. I know, in some form or another, he’s been like this long before he took office. I know that, for every POC, he’s always been a reminder of how bad things can really get when people don’t listen. But, god-fucking-damnit, HOW DOES HE KEEP GETTING WORSE?!?!

“New Age” has long been the worst part of any art community and Burning Man has always been a shining example of everything, in that community ,you should avoid.

You just described every reason I hate this stupid festival. Bravo to you, sir/ma’am.

Doesn’t burning man feel like it should’ve ended in the 80's-early 90's?

My favorite Baba Yaga is Hellboy’s Baba Yaga

Porn’s probably the answer to most of this.

Of COURSE we’re under attack! We only have most of the power now instead of all of it. IT’S HORRIBLE!!!

If I must choose my president, let it be one who will darken the skies, fill the void with screams, wake the sleeping things that lurk down below, and forfeit our minds to madness and misery. Also, it probably knows a thing or two about trade negotiations.

I’m throwing in a write in vote for a Nazghul

Why don’t you just make one of the names the middle name? Then everyone gets what they want!

There was one level in Ape Escape where you’re in a forest with a big lake in it. Problem was, in the lake there was a giant catfish who was just there, following you, waiting for you to fall in. I was already afraid of fish so, this really didn’t help me in the long run. Never did finish that game.

I know this is important... but I don’t know why. Is it good, bad, or just neutral that some languages just disappear?

Yes, yes, but what about your WORST anime picks for the summer?