I’m confused; who doesn’t like naked pictures? Everybody likes naked pictures! Be naked, take a picture, and send it to someone who wants your naked picture! You win, they win, America wins!
I’m confused; who doesn’t like naked pictures? Everybody likes naked pictures! Be naked, take a picture, and send it to someone who wants your naked picture! You win, they win, America wins!
Man, when I was younger, I couldn’t get past the beginning goddamn level of this game.
One Jimquisition later...
Gave it a watch, thought it was cute. The fan service was a big point of contention for me going through the few episodes I watched, but it’s getting harder and harder to avoid it in any show. Konosuba is one of my favorite modern anime but the fan service is still makes me roll my eyes every time it flares up. So,…
Because fuck those immortal sons of bitches
I already have “Sword in the Stone” and “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” so I don’y really need anymore Arthur movies, k?
Ya, I got HUUUGE trust issues for a lot of reasons, so it’s one and done for me
Well, fuck that guy
Loose pants and supportive underwear help A LOT
Ya, I can most assuredly say that skinny jeans were NOT made with the dangus in mind
Pity is the quickest path to acceptance
Hell, I’d be down for this kind of survey. Always love talkin’ bout butt stuff :D
Personally, I hated Paprika. Aside from the animation (which is fantastic), the characters were boring, the plot made no sense, the and the script was so exposition heavy.
That, my friends, is called neo-liberalism; the things that make us different and unique can also be packaged and sold to a wider audience!
I don’t understand gender anywhere near enough to get what this is all about.
GIVE IT TO ME. God, the fear of getting someone pregnant fucks with me constantly
Funny enough, I can’t play BotW or Skyrim because there’s to little control over my experience but I love Witcher 3.
I mean, good for them for helping the artists and creators, but I’m always gonna want what I had for free to stay free