
Ehhh, after the Dark Knight got a nomination years ago, I’ve stopped watching any award shows. The only times I’ll pay attention are Best Animated movie, to see what’s come out and... that’s about it. I tried watching Slumdog Millionaire after it got all its Oscar buzz but I was so goddamn bored I fell asleep halfway

I mean, there are websites out there who specialize in selling different serial killer’s belongings so, you know, there’s a buyer for everything, apparently.

I wonder if he realizes that saying a pregnant woman is “hosting” something makes the fetus sound more like a parasite than a human...

It’s sad, but a lot of dudes, including myself, have had to go through this way of thinking for a long time. Masculine society really hammers down the idea of sex as THE big goal every guy should achieve. It’s very damaging to a boy’s developing psyche and can really cause some long term damage and confusion around

Battlefield 1. Went through the the main campaign cause I heard it was really good... it wasn’t. Beat it in an afternoon and immediately regretted my purchase. 

At a point, you begin to wonder if there’s even such a thing as true unity for any cause. Can there be true solidarity in feminism if it’s schismed into so many different ideas of what it should be? Can white feminists truly be apart of the deeper, racial issues inherent in any movement id they can never really

Damn Crab-people, always trying to take over the world


NO ZARYA?! For shaaaame, PornHub

Now, I could see why some people had an issue with the whole “whiteness” thing from a wording perspective, but masculinity; really? Y’all gonna be offended by that?!

I mean, sure it hurts, but it’s just your balls. I’ve been kicked/ punched/ flicked/ whipped there so many times the idea that some guy says “No! You NEVER do that to a guy!” just sounds laughable to me.

I hate how we only have most of the power instead of all of it

I love the fact that we’re getting a larger sense of diversity in an already very diverse game but,I dunno; doesn’t it just feel like they’re doing this to fill out a quota? Just to sell us shit because they know we’ll buy it? I guess it falls into the whole idea of “any exposure is good exposure.”

Hey!... I like Killer Croc!

Honestly, I think that’s a very interesting topic for a round-table discussion; men, do you have any fears regarding women? Anything at all.


Psst, I don’t think they got the joke.

Never been a huge fan of performance art outside of the theater or screen. That’s when it starts getting too... “art people-y”.

I dunno. I’m not a fan of his music but he seems like a decent guy.

Plus, dreads just look gross on anyone who isn’t black