Wow, I'm just honestly very curious what that feels like
Wow, I'm just honestly very curious what that feels like
Ya, it's kind of a let down to hear.
Never played DP, but from what I've seen, it looks very... Shenmue.
I dropped out of Pokemon after the 3rd gen, mainly because o was starting to get bored with the formula and could tell they weren’t planning on changing it anytime soon.
I just don’t like any of these people. They both seem like total scumbags.
These guys seem like pricks
Im so happy for this horrible little rat
I can’t wait for music to come back around to this point. Music today is too happy, start bummong me out again. Make me feel something!
I do not care for Hotel California
Man, I really don't know how I feel about legalized prostitution. This is gonna require more introspection.
Assume no one is there to help you. Assume they are all there because this shit hit them somehow, someway. Assume that, if they ever get the chance, they will take the easy way out as long as they get what they want. Use it if you have to and keep it in their face so they don’t lose interest but always remember that…
Its weird that funerals cost so much. I say rent a bar, invite whoever will come, and donate my body to science. That's my plan, at least.
Yaaaaa, a big reason I never really got into sports when I was younger is because boys/men don't play for fun; they play to win. It was fucking hectic and they will not wait for you to get better. You either start great or you're a pariah on the team.
Does it matter what race Starfire is? No, she is a fake person from a fake space race. With that in mind, these assholes need to understand that there is no good reason for her NOT to be black. Not one! If you think there is one, your wrong! If you’re mad at the show, that’s fine, I don’t think it looks very good…
Like... not even on paper could this have looked good. The second someone saw the TITLE they should've known this wasn't going to be good. On so many levels, someone should have caught this and said "Hey, this might actually be a really dumb idea".
So, like is gender an actual thing? Or is it just a concept created by societies assigning structure to identity?
This is a weird one that I never thought was so super white. Why? Can women and POC not be critical? Can they not shit on a movie with the best of us?!
Because you are heroes, because you are problems, because you are magic, and because you are aggressive. You can never be vulnerable, you can never be a person, you have to be better or you have to be worse.
Other viewpoints are fine if they stand to reason and logic but if you’re argument is basically summed up as “fuck you” don’t be surprised when it’s met with the same.
I mean, I wasn’t a huge fan of her character either but come on guys, seriously?