
The stupidity and greed inherent in these decisions just makes me despair. Just as China is finally reversing its decades-long campaign to destroy the environment in the name of development, the US is walking back what progress it has made and working to dive headlong into devastation. And my country is taking up

“When I was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country,” he said. “Women were sacred and looked upon with great honor. That’s obviously not the case anymore, as we see from recent cases.”

Pelosi spoke for 8 hours and 7 minutes, not 6 hours. Figures a woman would get docked more than 2 hours for work she performed.

Oh screw that “it’s on the democrats” mantra everyone keeps spewing! Do you understand what a minority is? Do you understand there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that the Democrats can win this fight? They are caught between being held responsible for shutting down the government (which harms u.s. citizens) or fighting for

No, it’s Trump’s fault. He was the one who rescinded Obama’s protections. He was the one to reject every compromise negotiated in the Senate. Not Democrats. There’s only so much they can do being in the minority in Congress and not occupying the White House.

Name me a woman in this administration who didn’t get there by stepping on the necks of other women.

There is definitely bias towards older women. Jezebel purports to be a “feminist” site and yet they don’t seem to realize that shitting on older women is part and parcel of misogyny.

Trump can’t even do ANYTHING for 6 hours straight he is such an out of shape ball of lard. Nancy is almost 78 and she is still going strong.

Honestly the fact that there’s not a stand-alone story really seals the deal that GMG is mostly just full of Cool Kids fighting over who can be the biggest THE DEMS ARE JUST AS BAD BURN IT ALL DOWN nihilist. Which is totes fine for them because when you’re a white gurl transplanted to NYC from Ohio State I guess it’s

Me too. Instead we have hot takes on Splinter that the Dems have caved.

GAVE a 6hr speech? Nancy is still going. TBH this deserves its own story.

For anyone else who refused to pay taxes, the town would just slap a lien on his house and foreclose on it. But when you’re a litigious billionaire, you get to take moral stands like this, I guess.

“The AP reports that Golisano is refusing to pay a $90,000 school tax bill.”

Not high enough.

Screw that. I’d be far happier if some of these sociopathic losers died. Nobody needs or wants them in the world. I just hope that the police identify and arrest the worst of the assholes as there seems to be a lot of footage out there.  

Pretty sure the GoFundMe is already set up in the form of local taxes...

I’m sure this will be given extensive analysis by Laura Ingrahm and Toni Lahren.

white people man

Goddamn, that’s a lot of privilege on display. I’m almost jealous. Almost.

“Damn it, Philly we better than this.”