
Shoot- take it, leak/share whatever you can, and look for another job while at the Fox one. 


AT used to be my go-to for black pants for work...not so much anymore. 

I swear I will buy a men’s button-down shirt for work before I spend cash on almost any shirt marketed to women. At least they fit with some room, the sleeves actually DO something, and they are usually cotton. In fact I’m wearing a nice heavier weight linen blue shirt from a Target men’s line - it will probably last

I think it’s because JS actually cares about her customer’s needs. Ivanka care about making a quick buck. 

Right there with you, fellow old hag

And if the t***p administration has taught us anything it’s that standards and norms don’t have to apply. So we don’t have to have a portrait of him...

How about fucking arresting, charging and convicting as many of these vandals then sentencing them to cleanup and fines?

They do it because they know there will be no real consequences. No effective police response to halt or contain them as would happen if they were more ‘urban’. No strong condemnation from the media - only ‘boys will be boys’ basically.

So if Princess’s little ‘plan’ puts no requirement on businesses how will a parent even know they would still have a job when they return from this leave? If they won’t require businesses to pay people they certainly won’t require them to keep the job open OR make a comparable position available.

They do need to flex those Hill-hate muscles every so often. How else will they stay in shape to tear down the next woman who runs for president without practice?

Hold the phone - tell me this ISN’T a rhythm method app?!?! And they call it BIRTH CONTROL?! HUH?!  

Quite a bit of help from a more than willing media is my thought

Those who spit out ‘animal rights’ are upset because they might not be able to exploit their property the way they want to...

Already am.

Have you ever read Elizabeth Hand? Especially her early work? Her ‘Winterlong’ trilogy is weird, wonderful, freaky...

OMFG! Me too...jeez

Well now I’m imagining a purse full of doubloons clanking about. So there’s that...

THANK YOU, liberal Democrat from VA here. I moved here to VA in 1996. We were pretty red then...watched us go from red to voting for Obama twice and Hillary.
