I keep thinking “somebody’s trying way too hard” to be liked (by men).
I keep thinking “somebody’s trying way too hard” to be liked (by men).
Well, yes, this is the heart of the matter. This is why a slim majority of white women voted for 45 and even more voted for a pedophile in Alabama. Because those white women care more about what white men think of them than they do about themselves let alone other women.
Love the thundercunt insult, but no pity for Melania. No one feels as sorry for Melania as Melania herself. She’s just pissed she has to pretend to give a shit about Stormy Daniels.
Except she’s stood by him and endorsed him in all his absurd stupidity. She made her bed knowingly, and deserves exactly what she’s getting now. It’s not like his adulterous nature was some kind of secret.
She looks like a whiter Racheal Dolezal.
Charm? Yeah, he “charmed” her.
Nope. She chose to get into bed with him, stayed with and supported him through all his underhanded, dirty tactics.
And fuck this macho posing with the fucking penis-guns in civilian situations. I don’t want to see it at a football game or my local park or the state fair. It doesn’t make me feel safe, nor does it add to any sense of real security.
It’s under half, tho. Gerrymandering and electoral clown college are to blame. And other shady shit. *Most* of the country did not want this and is now looking on with horror as it has turned out to be exactly the shitshow they promised.
YOU’RE NOT HELPING. Those of us who are seemingly powerless are doing what we can to prevent/rectify what is happening in the US right now. It’s daunting to say the very least, but it’s all we can do. I know there are more people who think like I do than think like -ugh, he- does. Be a part of the solution, or…
I promise I’m doing all I possibly can. Thankfully, my for decades-red county went blue on election night, but I’m still out there in the trenches getting people registered and I will gladly get them to the polls in November.
Prove it at the mid-terms. Please.
Are they also going to bust people wearing Ivanka’s knock-off shoe collection?
This is what most people commenting are missing. He didn’t think of them, he thought of getting his feelings out, his completely understandable rage.
I can’t imagine what this moment was like for those girls. reliving the horrors they went through with that monster and now thinking they just lost their father as well.
I really wish he had left it there. And while I understand his pain and what he was trying to do, it’s just male aggression (justified or not) that serves to traumatize everybody and continue Nassar’s victimization of these women and girls. I know it’s not the popular opinion, but his daughters looked horrified when…
I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.
She’s entitled to do what she wants. Nobody said shit like this about Gore or Kerry after THEY lost. Gee, I wonder what the difference is between them?
She is an important public figure entitled to do whatever the fuck she wants. GTFO with this sexist bullshit.
This story is like the best thing that has happened to you all month isn’t it?
How does the fact that he was blind mean he wouldn’t need to serve time? Surely if he was able enough to work as a cook and tie up and rape a 13 yo, they would be able to accommodate his needs in prison as well?