
Don’t do this. Don’t pick apart non perfect allies when they do something good. Kudos to them for moving forward and helping the fight to equality. Not excusing anything they’ve done in the past, but they deserve a handshake for this one.

So, because they’ve been less than ‘woke’ in the past, we shouldn’t acknowledge this forward movement? Or we can only acknowledge it in a dismissive manner?

2 actors adopt riders into their contracts meanwhile the writer of this article remains the only “mean” person in this situation.

Good for them. They’ve still said and done a ton of iffy things, but it seems like this time they’re actually listening to people who aren’t white guys.


From the MISD wikipedia page:

Ummm. Did Cosby write all of those characters? Just asking for the rest of the world that doesn’t live in TV land. Because by your logic I should start looking for human bones in Anthony Hopkins’ basement.

I was at the Farmer’s Market with my newborn in a front wrap and the goat cheese guy asked me what I had “there” and I said “a baby” and he said “a baby human?” Only time anyone asked me to qualify “baby.” I live in Austin so I suppose there are people walking around with other baby animals strapped to them?

I don’t want to equate Nixon and Trump because Nixon was actually an intelligent, experienced (albeit morally bankrupt) politician but Watergate didn’t exactly happen overnight. I’ve been listening to Slate’s Slow Burn podcast and they made a point in one of the episodes that small parts of the story kept coming out

Watch out for the Hasidic guy in the gray van barrelling down the street. He might honk, but you better move your tuchus, cause he ain’t stopping.

I’m not harming anyone with my opinions. As long as sex workers allow themselves to be treated as objects for consumption, to be sold off to strangers and used for sex, they will be put at a much greater risk of violence and other problems. Buying women for sex encourages men to view women as objects to dehumanize and

Exactly. It’s no wonder sex workers struggle with STD’s, depression, PTSD, and suicide. They are putting a price on their worth as human beings and subjecting themselves to some of the most degrading and depraved activities. Sleeping with scumbag men for money instead of fostering healthy relationships with sex

Perhaps if hookers made better choices in life, they wouldn’t suffer from depression, ptsd, herpes, and suicide.

Right. I don’t see any rip-off of Latinx cultures in the video, all I saw was her in a church with traditional religious imagery that’s NOT exclusive to Latin American culture but common in Europe, Africa, Middle East and South Asia. Iggy might have had some Catholic upbringing in her childhood. Some people just look

Set looks strongly “inspired” by Romeo + Juliet, to me

Ditto. The Iggy hate is always a sure fire occasion to bring us all together in an ill-disguised celebration of self- hate. Fuck that. She’s just a B level singer, but note all of the panties in a twist.

Hmm, I dunno. It’s ROMAN Catholicism, so all that imagery hails from Italy in the first place. I don’t necessarily get Central/South American Catholicism from it - could be any place - the Philippines, Italy (okay, perhaps not Ireland ...)

Latinx here.

I was all, “Life is a myyyyystery, everyone must staaaaaand aaaalooone” when the video started.

This woman is a wretched, miserable excuse for a human being. That said, reading the comments here, I’m encouraged to see we’re all of a like mind when it comes to her.