
I just don’t understand why she couldn’t call a local animal rescue to pick it up. Even if her plain was leaving... they could leave it at ticketing or customer service until they arrived. Surely it had a little carrier.

I’m trying to understand this woman’s story but I just can’t. Read the article...she’s saying her friends and family were too far away...OK...sure...so you miss your flight / reschedule for the next day and miss your medical appointment and it sucks and it’s awful and *then* you sue and tell everyone that the check-in

Complete and total troll.

At what point do we consider the well being of the emotional support animal in this scenario? If someone cannot properly care for or protect their pet they have no business having a pet, therapeutic benefits or not. There are options such as medication and therapy to treat mental illness.

Never have I seen so appropriate a use of an Oatmeal comic for a situation that wasn’t about grammar.


The article states she is enrolled in a university. One would hope she developed the minimum of critical thinking skills..... or just, you know, regular damn thinking skills.

Step 1: Read the Jezebel article.

Yep. Animal shelter worker here. Our officers occasionally pick up loose, abandoned, forgotten, or prohibited animals from the airport. That was an option here.

I’m trying to come up with empathy for her. I can’t. I live in Austin so instead I want to find her and punch her in the throat.

Are you a troll? You remind me of posts making fun of “stupid snowflake SJW” on 4chan or Voat.

This story is as baffling as it is horrifying. This woman, by her own admission, chose to cruelly kill her pet. But she claims someone else suggested that she do it, and she feels really bad about it, so she’s certain she’s the real victim here.

Yeah no, this is not on Spirit. This woman has something seriously wrong with her if she actually flushed a living creature down a toilet, there were many, many other options. Jesus fucking christ.

You’re an idiot. This doesn’t make her a public figure. Do you know how many people work on the business sides?! Thousands. We are not public figures.

Look nobody likes to admit it but I’ll say what everybody is thinking but is afraid to say:

Let me be very clear about my point here.

Is there a compelling event that demands that the femicide report be released this week, while the largest sports event in our nation was scheduled several years in advance?

That does genuinely suck, but why have it the same weekend as one of the biggest media events of the year? I’m sure the organizers are smart people. They had to know this would happen

I mean, to be fair, this is the first time Minnesotta has ever hosted a super bowl (I think). These women knew that, and chose to hold their press conference any way. They could have held it two weeks ago, and the press would have been there. They could have held it in a week and a half, and the press would have been

Maybe release the report next week instead?