They don’t appear to understand that it’s not relatable or attractive to have leaped out of the womb as a fully-formed, besuited ideologue.
They don’t appear to understand that it’s not relatable or attractive to have leaped out of the womb as a fully-formed, besuited ideologue.
Body language doesn’t lie. Those two people hate each other.
Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an…
Whatever you do, don’t get anything monogrammed.
Cheated. Sabotaged his sobriety. Emotionally abused him. Cost him work. Mocked Michael Jackson. Gave him a marriage ultimatum. Led him on about getting married. Joined a competing satirical Velvet Underground tribute bound and sniped all the potential Pizza Underground mitzvah and wedding jobs. Greeted him only by…
Why won’t Congress and the President investigate the rumor that I just started that Stephen Miller is eating some of these babies? That, since college, he has frequently enjoyed the taste of Latino baby flesh? #lockhimup #buthiscannibalism #theyhavefakenewsihavefakenews
On the other side, adviser Stephen Miller is taking sadistic joy in seeing photos of crying children and triggering outrage among liberals and traditional conservatives.
While many techbros are indeed awful, I am pretty sure this guy is some other breed of slightly less capable bro. Maybe just the much more commonly observed douchebro.
I’m 45 and I keep going back to college but that’s because I’ve never gotten to finish a degree. Life keeps getting in the way.
Or bragging about allegedly winning a middle school debate and being a Jehovah’s Witness as a child, in her 40’s. Her failure to launch is evident. She collects degrees and brags about her superiority in middle school, superiority over religious people, and her superiority over a society she fails to engage with. I…
She’s working on her 5th degree. If you can’t figure out what you want to do after like 3 I don’t think there’s much hope for you in the real world.
Jill Stein.
Like to see what happens to “protocol” after Black students start calling the campos on every Chad and Caitlyn sparking up in their dorm or napping on the quad.
God hate really does make you ugly. Why is it always the dumpiest looking girls
Hope they put this one on hulu! I’d love to watch this :)
Why don’t I have Starz?
I am so excited to watch this, it sounds fantastic.
I want to wear a cute dress at 5 o’clock on a patio on a hot summer day and sip an ice-cold martini with my friends while an amazing dinner cooks itself on the grill. This is my takeaway from this trailer. Also the movie looks cool.
Judging by only the trailer, this looks “Gone Girl” but from the perspective of Amy’s “best friend”.