
Something very similar can be found in the Midwest, mostly Nebraska. It is the Runza. They are pretty stable and delicious and I can say I have eaten many while driving down the highway. The original came from the Eastern European Bierock. Here is the Runza website. https://www.runza.com/menu/section/r… and an article

I have had similar experiences with Futurama and some other shows in that the more Star Trek series I have watched the more things I realize was a reference.

From my understanding they are next to each other sharing a side of the lot. The reason that the company that I am working with chose this location for the 2 utilities that it could get power from so that they have 2N redundancy to the utility. It doesn't hurt that they get some power from wind farms.

Funny thing is I am helping to design a data center that will be next door to this Facebook one. It will be interesting to see it in person.

The Cloud is watching you!!

Actually I bet that it was indirectly Beyonce's fault. Those lights that they turned on after her performance take a lot of power and in start-up the take more than steady state. This lead to the breaker having too much amperage for too much time and tripped.

I got to see Bill Nye in person and shake his hand just a couple of weeks ago. He did a presentation and had a long question and answer session. It was surprising how many different subjects the questions were about and Bill had an answer for nearly all of them. He is awesome.

It's like playing Where's Waldo... except that it is super easy!

I came up with a similar idea for a technical writing class about 3 years ago. I wish I had some capital to throw at ideas like this and see if they stick.

So what was the deal with that. I got to the machine and instantly it gave me a warning that too many people were in line. That is the least of my worry when I am at the front of it.

That's what I was thinking but I wondered if anyone knew anything more.

I'm just wondering how big this thing actually is. You said it was the biggest but has no indication or size reference to indicate it.

This is a steam turbine. Steam engines used a piston cylinder system. This was probably sate of the art when it was built and and I bet its efficiency is good enough that building a new plant would be a bad idea economically.

Everyone should just drink Slurm instead... That comes from a slug in Futurama!

I was thinking cauliflower.

I worked at the Original Vise-Grip plant the summer before it was closed and the Craftsman ones were made in that same factory in Dewitt, Nebraska until Irwin Industrial Tools moved it to China where they make them out of inferior steel.

I agree completely. It's the media's fault.

Nebraska has a new plate that isn't on there also.

It adds weight with the extra mechanisms to lower the wheel and get power to it to turn the car.

We don't have them because it would add a pain for the designers and manufacturers. It would also add more weight to the car and this special feature would cost you an extra 5-10 thousand dollars for your new car. I'm in the Society of Automotive Engineers so I know a little bit about it.