
So much for “the great negotiator”

I felt like the point he was trying to make was that Teresa has been said to be his maid/housekeeper, but at the dinner he was at, she was a guest. So, the line between those roles was pretty well blurred with him - wasn’t that was also the episode where they presented the evidence where someone asked about Richard’s

It does look different - not sure if they airbrushed her (I mean, of course they did, but did they airbrush her in a way that drastically changes her face?) or if it’s her expression, but her face looks different to me.

me too. her face looks totally different on that cover. love the bathing suit.

I keep thinking they did ‘something’ to her eyes.....

Ha. It took me a solid 30 seconds to recognize her in that picture. With her hair all up in the wind machine it made her face look different to me.

I feel like the guy all the way on the right in the top pic is looking over at them like “ummmm wtf” but maybe that’s just me projecting

They have a weird relationship.

As a host, I’d say women have a right to eject anyone not wanted at the party. Also, being a host doesn’t preclude them from owning the body. Fucking “patriarchal” dip-shits

And there it is.

Dug “This Land is Your Land”, and this might be a bit of a hot take, but I think she’s a coward. Hear me out.

Can’t you throw a smoke bomb in there and gas it out SWAT style?

One time, in cocoa beach, fl, at the pier I saw a woman wal in a raccoon in a harness. It chattered at me and I pet it. Still a pinnacle of my life

objectively, this movie looks horrible, but anything that gives Ron Funches a steady paycheck is probably a net good for society

Please let this election end already. It just feels so weird rooting for Megyn Kelly for something.

The banhammer is gone, but your repetitive Donald Trump jokes are making me consider bringing it back.

I reckon it’s all subjective, but the spirit of the song is just sapped out in this version for me. It’s all very bland, kind of soulless? I don’t know, it’s missing the magic that I’m far from qualified enough to speak on.