So, “beat” here just means making it to the end of all the levels? 100%ing the game absolutely requires the collection and spending of studs, and collecting all the minikits in a level nets you 100k.
So, “beat” here just means making it to the end of all the levels? 100%ing the game absolutely requires the collection and spending of studs, and collecting all the minikits in a level nets you 100k.
Does it run on original hardware?
Don’t back out; just send some redshirts.
I have a 2009 WRX (pre-widebody BS, post-engine-upgrade), in that WR blue, which I’ve had since new, and I can confirm that gold wheels were not offered. :/
I still have the t-shirt of this.
No, I haven’t, because I haven’t needed it. There have been plenty of PCB replacements for PS/PS2 controllers for the games that I play that effectively convert the controller to native USB. Really wasn’t a big deal to install, and got me exactly what I wanted.
In my case, I’m no professional either, but it’s wired and native or nothing. USB converters, for example, add just enough lag to make me score worse than I normally would, which puts me off those games altogether.
So, if the problem is grind, how is banning players solving the problem?
I'm pretty sure this is normal corporate CYA speak. When they're ready to announce something, they'll announce it, but they're going to lie to the public about it until then.
Is Konami going to sue, too?
Not to mention that VA will give you a reckless ticket for going 80+ and one day in jail for each mph over 90.
Same! I have one of the later backwards-conpatible models (CECHE), in addition to one of the slim models.
That’s the later font. Remember, Sony originally used the Spiderman font for the PS3:
Are there differences in the storage busses between the Xbox One S and X? If so, I’m sure the X is faster, but I’m not sure if that’s representative of what I’m seeing with my S and PS4 slim. Have you sat through updates with a stock One S?
I don’t think that’s a good example. Movie theater seating is at an incline, so the further back you sit, the higher you are in relation to the screen, and the less you have to bend your neck; and you can actually find seating where you’re not bending your neck at all.
It’s not ergonomic, to say the least. I’d hate having to bend my neck back to watch TV or play a game. It’s why there are over-fireplace wall mounts that let you pull the display down to a more reasonable (but unfortunately still-just-a-little-too-high) position.
Everything loads better than the Xbox One. Side-by-side, my Xbox One S is a sloth compared to my PS4 slim in both startup and system/game patching.
Buuut it’s plastic, so if something inside shorts, it’s just going to start a fire rather than trip the breaker, right?
Buuut it’s plastic, so if something inside shorts, it’s just going to start a fire rather than trip the breaker,…
This. If you start your car and run the defrosters, by the time you’re done clearing snow off the roof, hood, etc. of your car, your windows should be defrosted enough to just wipe the snow away without scraping.
This. If you start your car and run the defrosters, by the time you’re done clearing snow off the roof, hood, etc. of…
Why buy TurboTax when you can prep and file online for free?
Why buy TurboTax when you can prep and file online for free?