Nuke Middle America

John McCain is a walking genocide.

Soccer is such a beautiful sport.

Unverified so far but Twitter is going nuts about Feras Jabro as the suspect.  He’s a pro-Trump Youtuber and gigantic racist. 

They have pictures of the suspect. He was wearing a MAGA hat in at least one of them. This is the photo everyone is sharing on Twitter. I guess he’s a right wing Youtuber or something.

Interesting.  Does your local news always cover mass shootings?  

I know you’re just doing a play on words, but “freedom” as most people understand it literally is the problem.  People are free to emotionally abuse others with words, shoot them with guns, destroy the environment, etc etc.  The costs of freedom outweigh the benefits by a lot. 

Now that the SCOTUS is filled with right wingers we will never get rid of the Second Amendment.  This has been the worst week of my life. 

Doesn’t Telemundo own Deadspin now?

Incorrect. Intolerant gestures like this cause real emotional damage to the victims. This damage can rightfully be called violence. Violence is never acceptable and should never be normalized. This is why we need hate speech laws. There are things that people should not be allowed to say.

Does ICE take their shoelaces so they don’t hang themselves with them like Sandra Fluke did after that traffic stop she was arrested during in Texas?

Subt Sadiq Khan dig. Not cool. He’s doing amazing things with that city.

The New York Times is by far the worst major paper in any country. They do nothing but protect the DNC establishment and promote neocon wars and objectives under the guise of being ostensibly for Democrats, which they aren’t. They are a conservative, right-leaning, MIC-loving publication that abused Bernie and pumped

I guess you never saw him play when he was lighting up the league.  I guess you never saw Kaep spike lasers to Boldin.  Never saw him casually toss an 85 yard bomb to Crabtree.  Never saw him quick toss it to Gore for a game-breaking haul.  You doubters really have no idea what you’re talking about, not when it comes

Good. Fine all of the owners. The NFL players should have equity stakes in the league. There should be no owner class.

I was about to get you for physical shaming but then I realized 1) Mitch deserves it and 2) David Spade is still one of my all time favorite SNL cast members.

I meant thousands but this webpage isn’t letting me edit that which is really frustrating because I get how it looks.  You’re the only one who noticed though so that’s good.  Also you should have told me you were the one I was replying to on The Slot when I said I didn’t vote.  

That looks photoshopped.  But regardless it doesn’t matter.  We know what we’re doing here in Mass.  Same with NY and CA.  We afford ourselves the luxury of not standing in line freezing on a random Tuesday in the winter.  Our house is clean, is yours?  Don’t throw stones. 

Every single day that Trump is in office is more proof that Marx was correct.

You say Trump doesn’t care, but he does. Trump views Iran as a friend of Obama’s and has a target on their back for that reason alone. WWIII has already started and Iranian, Chinese, Mexican, and EU resistance to Trump is our only hope.

What the hell is this? “Things can get much worse: war and recession.”