Nuke Middle America

The UK is literally a terrorist state and always has been. That’s why it’s so ironic that the legacy UK population complains so much about economic immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa. The UK stole their economies in the first place. The immigrants just want what is rightfully theirs.

What does any of that have to do with the DNC rigging the primary against Bernie?


How dare you. How absolutely dare you. How can you say that? This country is not a country. This country is an idea and that idea should be accessible to all people, everywhere. How dare you. Ideas don’t have borders. Ideas are free and plentiful. Just like water. Just like air. Ideas are what connect all of us.

A little OT but not really: Can we talk about Elon Musk and Tesla for a second?

You say Marxists like it’s a bad thing. Guess what Billy Bob, Marx was right. Everyone knows that now. And there are way more than dozens. Literally there are hundreds of us and we are converting people every day.

Thanks.  Yeah, me too.  Trudeau is like Obama-lite.  I hope that isn’t offensive but you know what I mean. 

That article is talking about Middle Eastern and North African asylum seekers not American asylum seekers. They will still give us citizenship. I hate to take advantage of my own privilege but I also don’t want to be here when the camps are populated.

Wow.  That’s a really good meme.  Do you mind if I save it and use it?

Doesn’t matter whether I voted. I live in Mass and Trump was never going to win here. So I didn’t vote. And it didn’t matter.  And I can sleep at night because I didn’t vote for Trump and I didn’t vote for that half-dead corrupt lying witch. 

Bernie would have won.

John McCain is actually a really good guy insofar as opposing Trump is concerned. This is not a defense of him, by the way. He is a war-mongering war criminal and complete monster that deserves whatever hell he is about to enter, but he did save Obamacare and that was actually pretty decent of him. I get that he only

Bernie would have WON.

I just realized that I have to leave America. I know where this is heading. We’ve seen this before. We have to go.

Thanks. I definitely needed this article. Things have been going so badly it’s beginning to feel completely hopeless. I guess what Michelle Obama said was true - this is what it feels like to have no hope at all for the future. She saw the writing on the wall as soon as Hitler 2.0 was elected. Excuse me, “elected.”

Sorry that Bernie can’t afford the $25k pantsuits that Hillary donned en route to LOSING TO FUCKING TRUMP.

Bernie is Jewish.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the DNC establishment that keeps losing on our behalf needs to SIT DOWN and STFU. Orcasio Cortez is fresh, young, and filled with new ideas that those white geriatrics have no clue about.

This is the worst day since Hillary lost to Trump.  How does the DNC keep losing to this guy?  

Please take your “Here’s why the guy who would have beat Trump is actually bad” narrative somewhere else Mr. Perez.  Today isn’t the day.