Nuke Middle America

Hi Mr. Perez.  Today isn’t the day to come here sticking up for the DNC.  Please leave. 

The DNC is the problem. They saddled us with Hillary because she was their insider favorite and well-loved at the DC cocktail parties and now they’re straight losing to Trump every single week.

I didn’t say Trump was preferable you twisted liar. I said she was the worst possible candidate which she was. Even Biden would have beaten Trump. Not Hillary though. No, Hilldawg was so far beyond reproach that nobody could tell her “Maybe it’s not YOUR TURN.”

You neocon boomers aren’t even honest with yourselves. Why would I expect you to be honest with me? Guess it’s true that the young are more optimistic and less cynical.

This is not normal.  And this sure as shit is not funny.  Not anymore. 

Nice try Boris.

Bernie beat Hillary if the intent of the primary was to democratically elect a candidate for the left. But that’s not the intent of the primary, is it? The intent of the DNC’s primary is to lend credence to the pre-selected candidate - in this case Hillary, the worst possible candidate.

How dare you. How dare you try to turn this around on the young persons on the left who are trying to enact actual change by voting for someone outside your precious DNC. Someone who would have beaten Trump. Someone who did beat Hillary. Someone who wasn’t all talk like Obama.

Looks like the Supreme Court is full throttle right winger for the next thirty or forty years but maybe we can take back congress and the Oval Office and abolish ICE.  Gotta try to stay positive.

Agree, but America didn’t die.  It was stolen by Russia.

Is she taking Kennedy’s seat or Ginsburg’s when she dies later this year?

If there was any doubt that we are now living in 1935 Nazi Germany this week’s SCOTUS headlines should clear that up. Make no mistake, it will be worse this time.

We are done.  This is what losing feels like.  Never felt this under Obama.

Great... wake me up when they stop doing homophobic chants.

Thanks for rigging the primaries.

We will riot.

I’ve been doing both nonstop for two days.


Obama encouraged her to retire for this exact possibility.  She’s going to die any day now and Trump will get another pick.  Obama knew that Hillary wouldn’t win.  She was the worst candidate of all time.  She lost to  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump.  Guy from The Apprentice.  And just like Hillary refused to let Bernie

That’s it. Game over. Trump just won. I hate to say it but that’s what this comes down to.