Nuke Middle America

It doesn’t matter. None of this matters anymore. We are finished.

Couple issues with the headline pic for this story. Pictured are: Morgan Freeman, Bill Clinton, Louis CK, Kevin Spacey, Roseanne Barr, Aziz Ansari, Bill Cosby, T.I., and Harvey Weinstein.

Maybe you should have, instead of rigging the primaries, not rigged the primaries.  Bernie would have won and all of this - ALL OF IT -  is your fault.

Thank you for the feedback. I disagree with most of it, but it’s encouraging that reasonable debate can still occur within the confines of the leftern hemisphere of politics.

Ha! Thanks for the laugh.  I’ve heard the 2016 primary disaster called a lot of things but the White Womaning Olympics is right up there with the best of them.  They really need to figure out how to stop talking so damn much and start listening. 

The entire higher education system supported Bernie in 2016 and still does.

Let me be very clear with you: Europe was begging Hillary and Obama to help them topple Libya for their own financial gain. They could not have done so without US Naval, DoD, and State Dept assistance. Only we can coordinate that. And Hillary, being a weak pushover, obliged.

The battle lines are drawn. Like this federal judge, most have chosen a side.


Why do you pretend that debate is still useful?  It’s not.  You don’t reason with Nazis. 

Implying that we have not been preparing for exactly this our entire lives. You should know better. We promote that perception.

The Neocon wing of the DNC that gets blindsided by absolutely everything aren’t “nerds.” They are war-loving, Hillary-excusing controlled opposition closeted Republicans that constantly hamstring us even as we try to help them. Can we finally, please cut them loose? They do us nothing but harm.

You seem pretty bitter about Ocasio-Cortez’s win last night. Why can’t you DNC Neocons move left with us? Why do you resist and try to relitigate the 2016 election at every opportunity? Are you controlled opposition?

My God. I hated Hillary. It was real hate and I now feel not only less hate toward her but some small modicum of regret. Did I turn other people off to her? I certainly tried.

For all of her obvious faults this is the reason Hillary would have been preferable to Trump.

We will retake both chambers of congress with DSA-friendly representatives. The only question mark is whether or not we will be able to impeach Trump thereafter.  It seems so, but somewhat less likely than in 2017.

This is not a fundamental disagreement. This is yet another irreconcilable difference and the reason civil war is coming.

There was a time for debate. That time is over.

Educate yourself.  Borders are acts of violence that have been normalized through historical mistruths and outright propaganda.  At some point in the distant past they served a purpose.  Now their only purpose is to protect privilege and to be very clear - we seek to end privilege.