Nuke Middle America

Wictor is a CIA psyop spook corralling and containing the right wing into a tiny little puddle of lunacy that can be easily disregarded. As funny as those threads may be, look but do not touch. He’s doing great things.

What is unclear?  The world should not have borders.  All borders are acts of violence through a process of othering anyone outside them.

We can help you with that.

That your piece was so ill-received shows the truth within. If there is one thing right wingers cannot stand it is truth. Let’s give them some more.

This is heartbreaking.

He will try anyway.  He is not normal.  None of this is normal. 

More people need to understand this.  Either the Neocon DNC needs to wake up or we need to clean house.  The time for fun and games is over.

Texas is turning blue, quickly. This is largely due to the demographic shift in the states population away from the white Texan to the Latinx community that we are able to rely on for votes.

Except that Trump will somehow try to claim victory because he signed an executive order that halted the separation of families.  Still, good news that the abominable practice has stopped.

Socialism is the normal state of government and the fact that America has rejected it for so long really shines a light on exactly how we got to this tumultuous moment in history.