Nate Betts

Dear Kotaku:

Yes, don’t blindly trust a developer on pedigree. We’ve learned that many times over and it’s the main reason for the “never preorder” stance. But if you get to literally play the game for as many hours as you want before deciding to buy, then it can be ok to preorder if the demo shows you that you enjoy it.

Never pre-order, never surrender!

Reminds me a little of Vanessa from KoF, one of my favorite female fighting game character designs.

She just invokes Vanessa to me, a KOF character use to main back in...either 99 or 2000. So I’m already liking her.

Those who remain committed to bashing large capital ships have outfitted their fighters with perks that make their explosions deadlier on impact.

Hand up if you just do this accidentally all of the time because the boost button is part of your movement joystick and not part of your “strategy” 

(this is my hand - it is up)


The difference is a huge one. One is people fleeing persecution and death at the hands of gangs, government and poverty. The other is a bunch of self entitled TOURISTS who haven’t taken the time to clean up their back yard before attempting to ruin ours. Stay home, wear a mask, social distance and if you encounter a

You left out the more serious fine. Canada doesn’t want US residents visiting because of the poor handling of the Coronavirus. If you test positive, and are found to be the source of infection while in Canada illegally you run into this:

Protecting your personal property is one thing.

Found the ‘Murican, he doesn’t understand the difference between asylum seekers and tourists. Must be all that high quality public edumucation.

Have you missed the recent news about almost every country in the world banning Americans from visiting because you bathe in COVID-19 and we don’t want you spreading it?

Hey doug? Shut the fuck up.

You answered your own question with ‘migrants’. Folks coming into Canada aren’t seeking a better life, they’re tourists, they’re here to look at mountains or visit their cottage, possibly bringing the virus with them. The people still looking to immigrate here still can, but they will have to quarantine when they

Yes, such terrible persecution you’re fleeing. Sure, there’s a chance you and your whole family could be killed by a cartel in Mexico, but that’s nothing compared to the hell of having to wear a mask in public. They have no idea how easy they’ve got it in Mexico!

Remember when everyone said they were going to leave because of Trump? Now we’re literally locked in here with all the fascists.

Good. I can’t stand American entitlement. I’m so over this shit. 

You lose all perspective.

Surrounded by “yes men”