Wow, I can’t wait to shoot a guy a dozen times with a cannonball and watch his health bar go down little-by-little...
Wow, I can’t wait to shoot a guy a dozen times with a cannonball and watch his health bar go down little-by-little...
The later games on this list may very well be scary. I just don’t get excited about them because they don’t empower me in any way to fight back. There is no way in hell I would just allow some monster to kill me if there’s a perfect good piece of wood lying around I could stab, slash, smack or poke it with. Even a…
I’m just a little sad they didn’t get Timmy Turner’s Dad back to play Dark Schneider. His voice is kinda perfect, in my mind.
I may be a bad person for this take, but:
This is now available on Limited Run Games for those who love physical media.
From an Ars Technica article:
Cool! So, if they ever drop the prices on any of these games maybe I’ll actually be able to afford them. I miss when I could buy multiple copies to get for my niece and nephew to play together.
It’s more like this:
Based on China’s new laws banning games with all sorts of quote-unquote “questionable” reasons, I feel like this one won’t be popular much longer. Games with effeminate men, or characters who’s gender is unclear (not personally sating these are bad things) will be banned under new Chinese laws.
One aspect of the “XBOX Exclusive” bit is that it’s also going to be on PC. With that in mind, it DOES NOT encourage me to buy an XBOX. Hell, most of XBOX’s “exclusives” are available through Game Pass and playable on PC, either the normal way (buying the PC version) or by ‘streaming’.
This reminds me of when Notch outed himself as a dumbass.
Sskyrim, eh? So it WILL be on every console. It'll be on a smart fridge in 3 years.
This would have saved me $500 bucks. Had to buy an XBOX and a copy of the game, only for it to get fried ina lightning strike. I'd be happy to play it on PS4, now
Neat! Now I can probably expect to play this sometime, instead of after I sell my organs to afford the hardware.
Hate to beat a dead horse, but after Witcher 3 I bet a LOT of people thought CDProjectRed earned our considerations for pre-orders...
I admit I pre-ordered Fallout 4 Pip Boy Edition, I felt like Bethesda earned it after how much I enjoyed Skyrim and Fallout 3/(Vegas by proxy). It’s great that Outriders has a demo/beta…
While Legacy itself was fair, this trailer had a pretty decent fight.
Nothing like buying a company that was rated “Worst Company” 2 years in a row (by Consumerist) to help boost one’s image...
At first I thought this was bad, but then I looked at my shelf of games from the last Gen. Of the 90 or so there, only 5 are maybe from these companies. Wonder if this will have any impact on the…
Shucks, and I just scraped a copy off the bottom of my local Wal-marts bargain bin for $5. I’ve been schmeckledorfed!
In all seriousness; games like this that have floundered in popularity and lost much of it’s player base could see a new life if they could just tweak a few things.
They could have been referring to the XBOX One S, couldn’t they? I bet some poor shmuck at Nintendo had to go over things like this going:
“Okay, we have the Nintendo Wii, Wii Mini, Wii U, DSi, DSi XL?, 2DS, 3DS, 3DS XL, NEW 3DS XL, oh god what am I doing with my life?!”