Nate Betts

The difference is a huge one. One is people fleeing persecution and death at the hands of gangs, government and poverty. The other is a bunch of self entitled TOURISTS who haven’t taken the time to clean up their back yard before attempting to ruin ours. Stay home, wear a mask, social distance and if you encounter a

Glad this idea wasn’t picked up by Adult Swim.

Still gonna call it Mojang, either way....

This is what happens when you make a “man” with the emotions and intelligence of a newborn, President of the United States...

Yeah, this game is more like the “Plenty of Fish” of games.

At least they are heavily implying that the PS5 will be backwards compatible with PS4. this time around.

Yeah, I went through a little tunnel early on in the game. Came out, fought some giant gorilla things, and killed them all. Then climbed the mountain behind them and found some cool stuff; unfortunately, locked behind story progress, since none of it worked. Then realized I was barely 100ft away from the first town.