This is great and all... but all these websites are pulling their data from a “mother” source, aren’t they? Wouldn’t this be akin to slapping a bandage on a gunshot wound?
This is great and all... but all these websites are pulling their data from a “mother” source, aren’t they? Wouldn’t this be akin to slapping a bandage on a gunshot wound?
How do you know by signing up to “opt out,” you aren’t giving them the data in the first place?
But who will check that? When they get to the last boarding group, will they only let people through who have backpacks and purses, and deny boarding if they have a suitcase? What if someone from the regular economy class arrives late and mixes in with the last boarding group?
I believe he was escorted out, not because he was declaring who he voted for, but for constantly yelling at the stage. That might be a house rule or a Chappelle rule, either way it’s pretty reasonable. He repeatedly shouted it out in an attempt to engage the stage.
The thing I never hear in all of this rending of garments: Hillary was incredibly unlikable and untrustworthy long before emails and Russians and Trump. Any portrayal of her as a bullet-proof candidate is wildly inaccurate. She was unlikeable in 2008, too. And a lot of those people we’re calling “racists” now for…
Mental illness is still taboo in our society and sometimes the rate of denial among family and spouses is on par with substance abuse addiction. Kim is a person of normal intelligence, and I assume she like most people would be the last person to recognize that their spouse needs professional help. It’s easy for third…
Exactly. Having suffered mental health issues myself, I remember times where I was acting like Kanye and people LOVED it. No, I wasn’t famous or bringing in money, but I was making parties more interesting and doing “artist” things and people were getting entertainment out of my unhealthy behavior. I look back at my…
I’ve been super uncomfortable with the making-fun-of-Kanye thing and the declaring-Kanye-the-biggest-genius-of-all-time thng for quite a while now. Because it’s made me feel crazy that seemingly everyone thinks he’s just quirky or weird or has an outsized ego or whatever else when it has been blazingly obvious for…
When Kanye’s “Famous” video came out, I didn’t understand why that wasn’t enough of a red flag for one of the Kardashians to be like, “Are you OK, man?”
Thanks for the effort. Start a torrent for each and we can all help out sharing the load.
As a pediatrician I see lots of cases of true influenza every year, so I’d adjust a couple of your factors here. First, flu leaves the vast majority of people (and I’m talking healthy 16 and 17 year olds, not just toddlers) highly febrile for 5 to 7 days. So you’ll miss a week of work at minimum, although more…
if it only lasted a few days, you probably had a common cold, not influenza.
Even the worst flu I’ve had lasted only a few days, which I can tolerate.
The main reason you should still have been getting the flu shot is to prevent giving it to people who really could have a problem with it: the elderly, infants, and immunocompromised people.
I’m one of those people who gets sick every time she gets a flu shot -- sure, it’s not the actual flu, but it’s still a big drag. So for probably 10 years, I didn’t get the flu shot. But last year I got the actual flu, and PSA to all idiots like me -- the actual flu is WAY WORSE than the one day of post-flu shot…
I’d sooner expect that they could get their jobs done better with less staff that is more qualified with less bureaucracy in the way to just let them get their damn jobs done. But then I’m thinking more behind-the-scenes, not front-lines at airports, I suppose.
They need to pass a law allowing airports to more easily opt out of using TSA screeners and instead using private companies. Time to clip TSA’s wings.
For the crazy girlfriends/boyfriends that wonder why they haven’t gotten a reply back from their last 5 texts..
While I disagree in general, I sort of agree that regular drivers have no business with a flying car. It’d be cool and I think it should be pursued, but I’d be perfectly content if I never see a consumer-version flying car in my lifetime.
I’m not going to defend texting-and-driving, but that’s a dumb game. To say that nobody is changing lanes that frequently might sound like I’m missing some larger point, but really, nobody is doing anything that frequently while driving a car. If you were, you’d be crashing into something every time you changed the…