
I’ve been jailbrokenless for years now and have missed it...still no Windows JB for it?

“Windows 8.1 falls under the same lifecycle policy as Windows 8, and will reach end of Mainstream Support on January 9, 2018, and end of Extended Support on January 10, 2023.

BRU, bruh.

Abortion Is Still Legal in All 50 States

And why isn’t “be honest” the first option instead of the last mentioned? Serious question. Is it really that hard to tell someone you are not compatible with them and it just won’t work out?

Please understand that all antibiotics (and all medications) have risks and benefits, but don’t imply that “if your doc is handing out cipro for a UTI, at this point they should know better.” You also need to know the local drug resistance profile to know what you should be prescribing. Where I work, E. coli (the

After taking a bus from Chicago to NY a few years ago my personal rule is to never take a bus trip over 4 hours. Either fly or drive yourself, you might spend more money but it’s worth it for your comfort and will in most cases be faster.

You don’t have to attempt to rewrite social conventions in flu season. Just wash you hands or use alcohol hand gel. We are not at risk for Ebola. Nurses still touch sick patients and do fine.

It shouldnt matter if you attend or not; and it sucks majorly that it does. The expectation is imposing and takes all the potential fun out of going; conversely just makes the event suck even more. I understand the blowback professionally.. nobody’s fault. Just a natural consequence of neglecting “bonding” with

Honestly, I think it started with my husband (Grade B aficionado) going on a rant. He may or may not have heard about the change on lifehacker first.

Seriously, this is a lifehack??

User experience (UX) professional here.

I miss knobs. I mean, really. I can turn a knob without taking my eyes off the road. I shouldn’t have to pull over to change the temperature of the car or adjust the volume.

You missed my point, I’m not offended by the fact that basic facts are written about Trump. I am annoyed by the fact that they’re in a place they shouldn’t be. Do you see ESPN crying about Trump? No, their business is sports. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and when you say stay off the internet, that shows

I had a different interpretation, I read this article as an indictment of the tax system, not of Trump specifically.

Haha, the use of the word hack is hilarious. Default app setting don’t require “hacks”. The fact anyone believes apple isnt purposley keeping their customers in a walled ecosystem is laughable. Steve Jobs has been quoted saying that’s what he initially wanted. Cook just doesn’t have a direction of his own so he is

You don’t need to ‘hack’ anything on Android to, you know, set a default app you prefer instead of the one tim cook prefers, or write an app to take full advantage of the platform. You also don’t know what hacking is if you think that’s what root and roms are. Also, you only really lose Android pay, which is a trade

Tax credit makes a lot of sense if you’ve been rich all your life. Not so much if you haven’t. It also makes sense in that it’s jargon-y enough to sound impressive when it’s really just BS

It is so maddening that a tax credit is supposed to help pay for things. I make so little a tax credit will do zero to help me. It’s such a privileged political ploy.

Way, way, back--probably the ‘80's--there was this great PSA which should a man walking into a doctor’s office, sitting down, and then turning into a dummy. The narrator says something like, “whenever you see the doctor, do you just...dummy up?” The doctor would be trying to talk to the dummy, and it would just sit