
almost always ISO 100 will be the base native ISO, some cameras will let you go lower. Especially with small sensors you want to keep the value low as the higher you go the more noise gets introduced.

This is cool, except who uses Apple Maps?

Bottle Shock is a great (and underrated) Alan Rickman film. Check it out.

Anywhere from an hour to overnight. Experiment and see what works best for you!

There are two problems with the registry:

Comments from my wife, who is an X-ray mammography technologist;

Unfortunately things go wrong quicker than even an ambulance can arrive. Read the stats: fetal death is higher outside of a hopsital. That is a fact and always will be.

Oh Beth.

Midwife care isn’t (just) an alternative woo-woo birth option for the granola-crunching crowd. If you want care that’s based more on scientific knowledge than “we’ve always done it this way,” you’re often more likely to get that with a midwife than a doctor. There are other perks to midwife care, but this was the

No, it doesn’t, I had the older version as well, and I had the same whining issue... I threw it away after about 4 months of use because one outlet somehow got scorched (bad wiring inside?)... Thankfully, none of my electronics were damaged when it happened.

All surge protectors have a whine, but my Belkin ps was pretty darn quite.

Gmail has a 100/day email limit. If you pay for Google Biz, the limit is 1,500/day.

Pro tip: Don’t drink if you have to go to work next morning.

It drives me nuts when people use the phrase, “they’re all just in it for the money.” Doctors, lawyers,...really about anyone else that makes a seemingly large sum of money on client services. It’s like they think those people don’t deserve to get money in exchange for their services.

We live in a screwed up world where entertainment and sports personalities earn more than the doctors who have to treat them when they get sick

For my vanilla desktop the upgrade so far seems to be mostly cosmetic, plus a few completely useless frills (MS Money? XBox games? Groove?). Also, I can’t figure out to make the applications I actually use my defaults (GMail for mail, Amazon Music for music) — they don’t seem to be listed in the Default Apps settings.


I believe it’s more along the lines of introducing yourself when turning in your resume and showing up/calling (almost nagging) to show you are serious about the job. Be heard and most importantly remembered (hopefully for good reasons though!).

The official Wikipedia app is a outdated and pretty feature-bare. It works, but it's no better than just pulling up Wikipedia in your browser. Wikipanion actually adds some features to differentiate it from the mobile app. First off, it makes articles nice and easily readable. It also allows you to save articles for

Unfortunately most of the weird calls are restricted on the caller ID.