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    Thank you for the wonderful article encouraging non-medical professionals to act during an emergency.

    One basic and extremely important skill that everyone should learn is how to take a proper pulse. The carotid pulse in the neck is going to be your best bet in an emergency situation, as during cardiac arrest, the

    Thank you for the article and for pointing out the importance of H2O consumption.

    That is true, but when seeking the definition of a term, it behooves us to look toward the primary source. Of course, interpretation is another matter entirely, and this is also complicated by hadiths outside the Quran. Some of those are rated highly, others have been discredited such as the one which refers to a

    Webster’s should be revised. They are choosing the colloquial definition used in the media as the primary definition. Instead, it would make more sense for them to use the definition derived from the source of the word itself, the Quran.

    If interested please refer to the following essay with examples and verses from

    Thank you for the article on this important topic. While I applaud this new requirement I think it is important to keep the following in mind: 1) These lists do not display the CPT or procedural code, and therefore it will be challenging for insurance companies, without this information, to give prospective patients

    Recently tried this with a party of 4, and unfortunately, our experience is not what you would exactly call a hit. The fish & chips which 1/4 of us had was good. Everything else from my burger which was overcooked twice, beef dish, even their home made pies were not very good. On top of that, everything was

    Perhaps I am in the minority, but I have never found the idea of consent to be confusing. No means no. Yes means yes. If a yes later turns into a no, it is still a no. If alcohol or other potentially mind-altering substances are involved, an inebriated person cannot give affirmative consent. I feel as though most

    It;s important to remember that if you choose to walk, to make that time count as moderate intensity exercise. A good rule of thumb for “brisk walking” as per the referenced NHS site is:  

    Thanks for the tutorial!

    While it is true that there is an established relationship between tendon rupture and fluoroquinolone (FQ) use, the incidence (the number of new cases) of tendon rupture associated with FQ use is extremely low. The incidence is estimated at 12 per 100,000. This risk is greatest during the first 90 days of those taking

    “If you live in a state that has legalized cannabis for medical or recreational purposes, you’re in the clear.”

    I’m aware of the “standard” tip debate 15-25% depending on level of service. However, what is appropriate to tip for truly abysmal service? Taking into account that the tip is often split amongst staff other than the server?


    I would say that most people know what is appropriate vs inappropriate behavior in the workplace. Sexual harrassment is not as mysterious or ambiguous as this article purports. Sexual jokes are never appropriate not only in the workplace, but period. They demean people, usually women. Sexual inuendo is also

    I’ve seen several cases on this in the Pediatric ER due to parents not bringing their kids in because the kid only has a sore throat and they feel like it will go away on its own. A lot of parents have told me that since their child isn’t coughing, that they didn’t think the sore throat was that bad. In point of fact,