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    “The first is to simply gate-check your bag. “ That’s only going to work if your bag is small enough to get through security, which means it is a carry-on size bag you could just carry it on and avoid the check-in fee altogether. Unless of course it is your third carry-on item or something.

    Who funded this “study” lol? This seems like common sense, not to mention all the bacteria that is being plastered on the wall by all those hands.

    Interesting fact-oid. How in heaven’s name did you know that?

    Shout out to Carmen Sandiego wherever in the world she may be!

    I’m sorry but this case is concerning $60 and may not be applicable to most situations. Therefore I’m confused of the title of this article which points to a generalization. I would say that it depends on the situation. $60 is one thing $600 is another.

    Thanks for informing us about this potential dairy alternative, it’s something I’ll have to try. I’m curious, how does the sugar content in the vanilla and chocolate variations compare to regular milk? That’s something to consider when giving to your child as well.

    Another source of dehydration on flights for passengers who suffer from motion sickness are the medications to prevent motion sickness. All of these OTC as well as prescription meds are of a class of drugs called anticholinergics. Drugs like dramamine/benadryl (diphenhydramine) and transderm scop patches (scopolamine)

    Doesn’t the phone being in the bag obscure the screen with the plastic from the bag? I mean, I know the ziplock is see through, but it’s not a screen protector.

    Excellent article. I’m not sure why some people seemed surprised by CTE or act like its not an inevitable if not highly likely consequence of a game whose purpose is to knock the crap out of your opponent in an effort to get a ball across a line. Did the NFL really need doctors to tell it that having players smash

    This isn’t enough of a reason for you not to drive high already?

    I think it depends how much extra juice you need. A battery case will likely have to be charged after a single use, whereas a battery pack can last for 2+ charges depending on the capacity.

    It’s really amazing seeing the effect of Naloxone in person. The patient literally wakes up within seconds (similarly to that memorable scene in Pulp Fiction with shot to the heart of Adrenaline, minus the hysteria). Thanks for letting us know that you can purchase this OTC. This will make a great addition to my First

    So say your fuel light comes on and you have between 35-50 miles depending on the car to refuel. It’s okay to let it get to that point?

    I thought that only domestic flights (within the U.S.) qualified for TSA Precheck, so what does Emirates have to do with that, since TSA Precheck and Global Entry are separate programs?

    Thank you for this informative article. I would be interested in reading any peer-reviewed articles that you have encountered which support the claim that second hand aerosolized nicotine exposure can lead to nicotine addiction, mood disorders or lowering of impulse control. I have not heard this claim before and

    Thank you for your response. I am also aware of the Hyde amendment. I have to respectfully disagree with your assessment of my presenting a source of controversy as babbling. If you notice from my post, I did not state a position either way. I certainly am a firm believer in the Medicaid system and believe that

    PP needs to set the record straight with their numbers. How many abortions are performed annually compared with the total number of patients? The 3% figure of abortions performed vs total services is so highly debated because PP counts by procedures or services and not per patient. In PP’s numbers a woman who has an

    On average, women make 22% less per hour than men even after controlling for race and ethnicity, education, experience and location.