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    After you have rebooted, and then you turn off the bold text, isn't it going to reboot again?

    I don't want a 2 year anywhere near an oven :-)

    As a member of the medical profession, I am ashamed to say that this article is dead on. Nearly everything that I have learned about weight loss, diet, exercise, lifestyle modifications and nutrition, I have learned independently. In fact, just the other day, after counseling a patient on water and fiber consumption

    A little dab of vasoline works too and it's super cheap. Saline spray is also good.

    Here are some answers to common questions about exercising during pregnancy, that you might include in your article. They are from the author of the book referenced in your post, Dr. James F. Clapp.

    "if a doctor suspects a bacterial infection like strep throat, she should test for it before writing the prescription."

    Actually I think you misunderstood me, or else I was not clear enough with my last post. Pregnant women in general are more prone to muscular injury and pain, due to changes in hormones that I referenced earlier. I was actually advocating strength training during pregnancy as evidenced has shown benefit for both the

    As a member of the medical profession, let me offer my two cents. I applaud the author's efforts to inform women that they can in fact and should exercise during their pregnancy. There have been numerous studies that indicate that not only does exercise and even vigorous exercise during pregnancy, not only improve

    What exactly are you referring to when you say getting "something"? A lot of people have a misconception of the flu shot. You cannot get the flu from a flu shot. The shot contains components of a killed virus. A killed virus cannot become active and infect you with the flu. Your body can have a reaction to the

    I have to respectfully disagree with you there. A lot of people, especially those who are immunocompromised can die from a flu infection. In those patients it is imperative that they get the flu vaccine.

    Not only is it not too late to get a flu shot right now, but it is not too late to get a flu shot even if you get the flu. A lot of people don' realize that there are hundreds of strains of the flu, and the flu shot covers you for the strains that are most likely to infect this season. How do we know which strains are


    From the video it seems like you would have to take everything out to get to the card that you actually want to use. Could you comment on your experience? Thank you.

    "Many credit cards, including American Express, Visa Signature, and others have extended warranties built-in."

    I've used this several times. Nearly any item you purchase gets an automatic extended warranty (does not apply to big ticket items like a car or boat etc...). But, I have used this for laptops and it has

    Teamviewer and LogMeIn have some limited features. This one looks to be the most feature rich, but it is also going to be costly. I haven't found anything that I find worth using personally. http://www.bomgar.com/products/platf…

    There are a few apps out there that can allow you to control some things. The features are very limited though. Screen sharing would be great because then you could just walk someone through it and actually see what their issue is.

    It's too bad that is not available on the iPad. It would make troubleshooting my mother's device so much easier!

    Wow, I wish I had this resource during college chem.

    "When was the last time your radar gun was calibrated?"