Here's one:…
Here's one:…
No bittorrent link? That might help alleviate the site traffic.
Also the idea of satisfaction on a particular drug is an interesting concept. A lot of patients are on drugs that either do not work for them or are not needed altogether. Many patients will take a drug because their doctor told them to. Not really worrying about is this really working or not, and should I let my…
True, there are a lot of sources out there which give very good drug info. However, in terms of side effects, a lot of the drug profiles will list all the side effects, even if a very small percentage of patients will experience those side effects. Iodine lets users report which side effects they have actually…
I checked out a few drugs that are commonly prescribed, Hydrochlorothiazide (a diuretic that is often first line for Hypertension), Tamsulosin (an alpha-blocker that is often used to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia aka BPH) and Adderrall which is prescribed for ADHD,
My overall impression of the site is that it…
"They're pretty much always under $10, but today you can get a pair for just $6. Stock up!"
Although, now they allow customers to purchase priority ahead of time, which I find kind of defeats the purpose of having unassigned seating. It's nearly impossible to receive priority, less than A-30 or beyond, even if you check in 24 hours in advance. Still, I much prefer this to assigned seating on other airlines.
Well, in my case, the police did not do that. So, I guess I was just unlucky.
Actually, "eBay deducts 10% or up to $250 while Paypal receives 2.9% + $0.30 of the transaction." I just sold some headphones, and these numbers were accurate.
In addition to the other suggestions that have been given, I would recommend a subscription based site like Match, Eharmony etc... over completely free sites like OKCupid and PlentyofFish. In my experience, having to pay for a subscription filters out a lot of unscrupulous people. Not just people who lie, but scammers…
The reason is that these passwords that have been leaked are NOT actually for the Gmail accounts themselves, but instead for accounts on other websites, in which they used their Gmail accounts to register.
The IsLeaked tool showed you if your gmail address was on the list of compromised addresses, and it showed you the first 2 characters of your compromised password. The KnowEm tool does not display any characters of the password. I can confirm that the password compromised for my account, was one that I have never used…
What about for iOS users who use Google Voice, Hangouts or both? When is the integration roll out planned, or has that not been announced?
Thanks for the detailed breakdown of the differences. I'll check out PM.
Here is what I'm referring to.
Canon T2i
Are you unable to get the same functionality with Lightroom, or do you just prefer PM?
I have used Picasa myself. However, I have found that for some reason, the photo viewer adjusts the brightness of a lot of RAW photos. So, you are not really getting an image displayed as it is shot, which is the whole point of shooting in RAW. After tweaking a couple of settings in Irfanview, like opening the image…
Even with the Microsoft codec installed, RAW images, in the Windows Photo Viewer open incredibly slowly.
Are you referring to the GQView from 2006?