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    Program is distorting the image, so areas with flash are appearing pink. I'm not sure if this is just something that needs to be adjusted with settings, but it doesn't work, straight out of the box.

    The map shows the median rent and not the average. Why not just show the avg price people pay for rent, since the median just indicates the middle number?

    I'm happy to hear that the police in the UK took your theft seriously. Unfortunately, in my case the police were unwilling to act. A laptop stolen here amounts to petty theft. I don't know what classification you have in Britain, but perhaps the statute is different? In any case, I'm glad to hear that you got your

    Now playing

    There are some beautiful wallpapers here, full of color. Pretty lame that Microsoft is putting a watermark on all the images though. Thankfully there is Photoshop:

    MusicBee is a solid alternative for listening. And, it even scans your iTunes library to import music and watches for changes. It will not help on the backup or updates or management of your iOS devices though. There are even iTunes skins if you like the look of iTunes but hate the bloat.

    I'm using a SSD on Win 8.1 and iTunes still lags like crazy. It's been laggy and buggy for years now. I cannot imagine why Apple has not fixed this. And, they keep on adding features that I don't need, that just further slows things down. I primarily use MusicBee for listening, but I'm pretty much forced to use iTunes

    Mr. James is free to go to any team he wants, just as he did 4 years ago by leaving Cleveland and making his way to Miami. I have always felt it was very unfair for people and especially the ungrateful Cav's owner, to criticizing James for giving them 7 years, and for taking them to the NBA finals, with more or less

    Been using it since the early beta days. It still needs a search function IMO, then it would be perfect.

    Looks like the Sony Microvault USB drivers are 2.0 and not 3.0

    Looks like the Sony Microvault USB drivers are 2.0 and not 3.0

    MedlinePlus is a great source for health info and recommendations without a ton of medical jargon. Check out a search for Appendicitis for example

    Now $35.99

    Now $35.99

    The new predictive keyboard in iOS looks awesome and its smart learning system makes it look like it'll make typing messages a lot easier. If you're jailbroken, PredictiveKeyboard does the same thing. The more you use it, the more it learns about your typing habits, which helps make it work faster. Surprisingly, the

    The program also narrowed all of my scroll bars. It made changes to things that I never asked it to. I would not recommend anyone on Win 8.1 use this. I had to perform a system restore just to get things back to normal. And, every time you open the program, it changes things again. Beware.

    Heads up for anyone on Win 8 thinking about trying Ultimate Windows Tweaker: If you have another program, like Start8 or ClassicShell that has modified some of the default Windows 8 options, like skipping Win 8 start screen on boot Ultimate Windows Tweaker (UWT) will mess with whatever you have changed. For example, I

    Wouldn't the event viewer be erased if someone reformatted before selling their machine? I know I would reformat before I either gave or sold one of mine to somebody.

    I'd love to see an updated guide to getting free space on Dropbox, since the linked article is from 2011. Is Dropbox no longer doing their space race and other scavenger hunt type promotions? I've already maxed out my referrals.

    Does Google+ really give you unlimited space or do they just pull from your Gmail/GDrive quota?

    Is ejecting really necessary in Windows? My understanding is that as long as no files on the drive are currently in use, that it does not make a difference whether you eject or just unplug the USB. Thoughts?