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    Which baby wipes are you choosing? You can find some packs for $1-2 at Walmart. I don't see anything comparable on Amazon. Thanks.

    Apparently I was mistaken. Monoprice's warranty is for life.

    Much appreciated. It seems like I'm getting endorsement notices like every day.

    It's getting pretty bad. Some people even take calls at the freakin dinner table now. How they don't realize that this is rude and off putting to everyone around them is beyond me. If you have to take a call, and I mean have to, for heaven's sake, step away from the table.

    I had to remap my sleep/wake/power button on my Droid 2. It would have been nice to have a tutorial back then.

    I'll take a look, thanks

    I guess the article assumes that your Skydrive is large enough to accommodate your library?

    Sorry, didn't read all the comments. The article doesn't mention IE. And IE should not be required to download an executable that has nothing to do with IE.

    Yes, did that. Just thought I would point out the fact that MSFT had an issue with their own software. You shouldn't have to use IE to download an executable that has nothing to do with IE.

    Nice job MSFT, asking me to verify my Win installation only to have an obsolete tool on your own website?

    Dropbox has openly stated that it is not HIPAA compliant. "Because we can see metadata like names, and because that is potentially an area for exposure of confidential info (names etc) we cannot claim to be HIPAA compliant."

    Welcome to BBC iPlayer. Thanks Hola!

    Haha, was thinking the same thing. Still, his point is taken. Those lenses put a target on your back.

    The Win 7 ISO links were released publicly. Where are the Win 8 links?

    Anyone checked the accuracy of this yet compared to a standard gauge? Gauge will obviously be more accurate, but is the estimate close?

    What exactly are these Gold, Silver and Bronze plans? Are they going to be plans offered by private insurance co's because under the ACA there is no public option. It makes it sound like here, that you buy into one of these plans regardless of if your state joins the medicaid expansion or not.

    Couldn't you already do that in iOS6 by turning off the video before the call connected?

    Got it, thanks.

    Does that mean Quickoffice Pro is dead, or was that a different app?