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    I have Nitrous, and use Chrome. Could you expand on what you are saying here? And to your point, Apple still won't give users access to the filesystem. For heaven's sake, you can't even attach a PDF while writing an email. You have to use the Sendto option from within your PDF reader.

    Not that I have read. Evad3rs is working on it, not sure who else. If you have a link, please post.

    Agreed. Google needs to get on this pronto. What, is this suppose to be Snapchat or something?


    iCade?, What on Cydia?

    I find Draft's GUI to be very confusing. Anyone have a good tutorial that they used to figure everything out?

    pretty tough to hit L or R along with the other buttons without taking your finger off the d-pad

    This was a cool idea in theory, but the controls are nearly unusable. It would be nice if the developers would have allowed the volume keys to be used as L&R. As it stands, they all sit on top of each other and that makes it very difficult to hit L or R while also pressing the other buttons. Still, a cool idea.

    Anyone know where the picture was taken?

    hundreds? I wish :-)

    I wonder how long we are going to wait for an iOS7 jailbreak. Didn't iOS 6 take like 6 months?

    How? When I click on a photo there are no send-to options. When I long press on a photo, nothing pops up either. The only thing I am able to do is view a photo by clicking on it. What am I missing?

    Depends if you are parked up or down the hill. If up, you turn your wheels away from the curb, if down you turn your wheels towards the curb. The idea is if your parking break fails, that your wheels will end up next to the curb and the curb prevents your car from moving

    Interesting. No longer open source is it though?

    I'm a huge fan of the SonicBoom alarm clock. It has both a tone and vibrating alarm that you can put under your pillow or mattress. I mute the alarm and just use the vibration part of it, and it is the most relaxing way to wake up that I've ever experienced.

    It was Open Office and then Oracle/Sun Microsystems decided they wanted to try to make money off of the project if possible. So, the creators asked Oracle to release Open Office rights and the name to them, and they declined. As a response, those creators started LibreOffice and to my knowledge stopped developement on

    You must know a lot of tech savvy senior citizens then, because I meet people all the time, who don't know what the heck to do with iTunes. They are not computer savvy to begin with but still, it's not exactly intuitive. And as you mentioned for the more robust user, it is ever harder to use for multiple devices etc...

    Am I the only one that finds that gif very disturbing?

    Shooting in RAW doesn't allow for this unless you have a massive Dropbox. Have you given Picasa a shot? I think it's awesome and not bloated in the slightest.