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    Agreed, very confusing indeed. I would venture to say, it's not even easy for the lamen. Take the latest iteration where when you type a query in the search bar you get songs, albums and artists listed. Sounds fine, until you click on the Artist say Metallica, and get a album list in cover art form without listing the

    It's also not easy to use nor is it intuitive. The average person has no clue how to sync their iPad or iPhone with iTunes. It's a disaster.

    Thanks for the tip. I've been having problems when sending messages from my school address through Gmail and those messages going to recepient's SPAM. I previously was not able to set it up with SMTP, but I guess the IT dept must have fixed that. Hopefully this will stop my messages from going to people's SPAM.

    The article does not address the promo memberships that Prime offers. 6 months free student membership and then 50% off the annual fee after that. I signed up a couple years ago and was able to get 1 year free and now pay $39 annually.

    It would be nice if Chrome let you launch a voice search from any web page and not just Google's homepage. Still, nice to have.

    Is that Fort Minor on the soundtrack?

    So, I guess I wasn't crazy not to buy one then :-)

    Thanks for the info. I'll check out the Costco pack.

    How many years do rechargeables last, since you don't see a real benefit until year 3?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there no ability to save an image shared within a hangout?

    Does he have to be near the appliances that he is shutting off/on or is he just near them to show us that it works?

    No luck playing an FLV that plays fine in both Goodplayer and AV Player HD. the sound was all garbled on VLC. I do like the Dropbox integration. No background downloading though.

    Nice to see Detroit featured in a positive light for a change. Also, any idea when this Android update will make it's way to iOS?

    That post is a blast from the past. I didn't know that Puppy was as customizable as you stated. However, Crunchbang uses openbox and is super lightweight and fast. So, you might give it a shot, or at least check out a LiveCD for testing.

    Not true in some states, like MI, where servers do not make the minimum wage, they make less than $3 from their employer: http://www.mlive.com/jobs/index.ssf…. The way the employer gets around the minimum wage provision is to count part of their tips as minimum wage ($7.40). So, if that's their full time job and they

    VOTE: Dropbox

    Why is the link taking me to Phillips in India? Didn't know CVS was international :-)

    The Bose are "closer to $100" on Amazon (actually $119) if you get the one's without a mic

    How can I remove the Search Everything entry from the Recycle Bin's context menu?