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    From my experience, the police won't go after it. I had Dropbox syncing on a Stolen laptop, gave them the IP address, and they stated that no judge would grant them a warrant for the IP (which I suspected was untrue). Then the officer stated that my laptop probably was sold by the person who stole it to another person

    If you are already Jailbroken, and you update to 6.1.2 do you have to Re-Jailbreak and then reinstall all of your tweaks and JB apps?

    This is still missing a ton of features that have been available for quite some time on Android. No ability to copy a link to share, you can't rename a file, really read only at best. This is very disappointing Dropbox.

    +1 And actually, autobrightness has never worked for me, even on the iPad. So, this is a welcomed improvement.

    Monoprice 30 day warranty

    It is unfair to compare the Canon 5D to the T3i. They aren't even in the same league.

    Any Installous alternatives that are working, because it looks like Zeusmos, Kuaiyong, and iPastore are all down?

    Thanks for letting us know. I'm interested to track what other users are reporting before I jailbreak. What's your source?

    #1 for me is the ability to tether with like yourself, the unlimited data that I already pay for.

    For me at least a space is added after the email address is entered on a webform. Not too big a deal for form filling, but it is sometimes for logins. Do you have the same issue?

    Forgive me, total noob with these using Chrome. I can't get any of them to work.

    Or you know, Apple could actually take the time to incorporate this built in, ala Google Now. Siri is frankly pretty pathetic. I have to speak so slowly just for her to figure out what I'm trying to say. The whole point is to be hands free. If I have to constantly make corrections, then that defeats the purpose.

    I do whenever I travel

    Sparrow does not support Push. How is that everything that you need?

    Why can't I see album art in the side bar?

    Need help on TV purchase. Correct me if I'm wrong LED > LCD > Plasma yes?

    I find Google Voice far more reliable, and efficient than the built in voicemail feature for the iPhone. Plus, Google gives you the option to not only save a copy of your voicemail's to your Google Voice account, but if you so wish, will send you a copy to your Gmail as well. That's 3 backups :-) (And it transcribes

    Well, we are definitely in agreement there. I believe I have read one figure that stated the cost of end of life care in the States is about 80% of the total health care budget. Such a waste, when the prognosis for people with end of life conditions are so low. It is a sad reality, but in the States, we need to accept

    "But I see things like NICE and QUALYS and think its the best option."? I'm not familiar with those being from the states. However, I do think that there is some validity in that doctors know best, and I do not think it necessarily means they are just looking out for themselves. I think physicians primarily look out

    I would agree that physician's are not trained in efficiency. In general, the profession is not full of savvy business-minded people either. I would disagree with the assertion that most doctors do not have their patients best interest in mind. I think that represents a gross minority of physicians. And I am curious