Bose cares about their customers. A friend had a pair similar to yours, they broke after like 5 years of use, and Bose replaced them for free. So, you might think about contacting them, before you go invest in another pair.
Bose cares about their customers. A friend had a pair similar to yours, they broke after like 5 years of use, and Bose replaced them for free. So, you might think about contacting them, before you go invest in another pair.
@Dave: You are correct, no one forced me into the medical field. However, like it or not, the medical profession, like any other is a business. You would not call a plumber to your home for free, nor would you have a 15 min conversation with him to feel him out before you bring him out (you only speak to the…
This is literally ripped out of the opening of Hackers!
I thought this article was going to give tips to get past those annoying voice prompts that you get when calling business. Maybe because the title references "Automated Phone Systems"?
Speaking as someone who grew up around medicine and who is currently a medical student, the notion of setting up a preliminary phone call with a prospective doctor is beyond the scope of reality. While it sounds nice in theory, I seriously doubt any doctors have time for that. If you want to see if someone is a good…
That's it? Not much of an update is it? It seems like the main purpose is just to kill the impending jailbreak
Not sure. Thx for your reply
Mine is working as of 04:11 EST
Design compromises? Yes, the iPad 3 is a bit heavier, yes, it is not thinner, lighter, all that jazz. However, have you compared the iPad2 and 3's screens and performance? Massive improvements. Frankly, the iPad 2 looks like crap next to the 3. So, the question is really, enough of an improvement to upgrade from a 3…
I did not forget my sarcasm hat, the quote is from the McConnel, so I do not know how you can claim that was not part of the Republican agenda. You are correct, that the Democrats were too weak and did not support the President in his initiatives, when they had a majority; that was a poor move. I also agree that…
President Obama has tried everything possible to curb divisiveness. He consulted the GOP on Healthcare, on the recovery acts, on the bailouts, the budget concerns, everything. Mitch McConnell said it best: The primary goal of the Republican party is to make sure that this president is a one term president.
Purchased a cashmere coat from Salvation Army for $50. It was made for Marshal Field's and company. So warm :-) (highly needed for Detroit winters)
Cool idea. But don't you get a huge loss of quality with Bluetooth versus a direct connection?
Google+ aside, when is Google going to release an official Google Talk app for iOS?
Read a lot of reports that say 3rd party companies will not be able to make workable lighting chargers and adapters. Any truth to this? There are a ton of very reliable sellers on Ebay, with 95%+ positive feedback that are selling them, so I am wondering how they could do that, if the products they were to sell were…
Why no landscape mode for iPhone 5 for wall posts or messages but only photo viewing? Was this also the case with the iPhone 4S?
Any update on the iOS6 jailbreak for iPhone 5? How is this app different from Filer?
So what about Redmond Pie's recent report that iOS 6 will have Google Maps, assuming Apple approves it?
Too bad last time the jailbreak developers said they had pwned it took 6+ months to release it to the public. #howlonguntilthenextjailbreak