
If only I could tell them a story, a short story. About a nice elderly Jewish man who was made, with other men of his village to dig a hole, just a hole. Later, with the other men, he got machine gunned into that hole which became their mass grave. That man, was my great-grandfather.

I’m a Japanologist doing research

Like we all felt bad for the kid, until...I did not see that end coming and I’m still flipping out about it because of how hard they got me.


I don’t know man. But it keeps me up at night.

Now imagine a list of every Sonic game released since 1996.

Ubisoft is French

So did you read anything at all of my comment past the part you quoted or was that pretty much it? Do you just want to argue for argument’s sake? If there’s nothing I can say that will get the point I’m trying to make across to you then I don’t think I should waste my time or yours trying.

Agreed. I never said or meant to imply that they weren’t. What I was asking is are we moving toward (and I’m going to grossly oversimplify this) having a boy’s side of the room and a girl’s side of the room or are we trying to achieve a space where boys and girls can play alongside one another equally? If we want to

That isn’t at all what I was insinuating. I’m not saying that this is going to reverse the status quo in general, but specific to this show it has the same problems as a show directed solely by male directors. There’s a narrow scope of perspective. Do we value diversity and equality because it’s “the right thing” or

Diversity is good. That being said this isn’t diversity either. It’s just the same problem with roles switched. Are we eventually going to have shows that are directed solely by women and other shows that are directly solely or mostly by men? Are we working toward equality or toward separate but equal?

People disagreeing with you doesn’t make them unintelligent. Stop shutting people down for not having the same opinion. Present your case, don’t run away.

I cannot confirm nor deny these allegations.

The fact that it’s Grayson complaining about sex in the video game industry is even funnier.

I imagine you were browsing some rule 34 splatoon when you stumbled upon this somewhere?

Your rage fuels me Kotaku, please let me drink your social justice tears. I want your tears inside of me.

You’re stupid.

His name should probably be Greg the Butthurt, but you know that’s totally up to him...

At this point, no one really cares about the system itself. With Nintendo, it’s all about the games. The only company that can float an entire gaming generation on the strenth of their own IP alone can do this. As long at the Switch can play games from EAD, Intelligent systems, Retro, Hal, (meaning, all of Nintendo’s

It has the usual 2 buttons for both L and R.

Doesn’t look like it would be difficult for those to be made. What I really want, though, is these: