
Patricia’s/Kotaku’s stance on this is very surprising!

Ahh the old “everything’s drawn like a highschooler’s textbook doodles” style. No, thanks.

I’m sorry but I’d take a little bit of sloppyness over the total and absolute lack of sense of volume or motion that plagues western cartoons today. Almost all of them look like the simpsons now. Or worse, like newgrounds flash cartoons. Flat characters that are drawn with a blatant disregard for 3D shape, googly eyes

That screenshot would look so much better if the pixels weren’t unevenly resized. Jesus Christ, who the hell does that in 2016?

It does look very nice.

Sounds perfect to be honest. Sounds like a game that actually respects the player’s ability to figure things out for themselves.

I think you’re a bit of a judgemental jerk who thinks they’re better than other people and have a bit of growing up to do.

I wouldn’t say it ever “opened up”. During the last, tiniest bit of the game (I’d say more like 1/20th), you got one single empty grass field to run around in with no NPC’s or anything, with a few of those crystals scattered around which were a pale imitation of FF12's hunts, in that you just talked to a crystal, went

There are two very distinct flavors of “linear”, the first being that you have a fairly wide world map to mess about in and find different things off the beaten path before you have to move on to the next story destination, like FF1 through 9 used to be. It’s focused, but there’s still a sense of adventure and

I’m talking about people’s attitude towards it nowadays, not the in-game implementation. Learn not to extrapolate when you shouldn’t, n00b.

2016, ladies and gentlemen. It is now taboo to call your easy mode “easy mode”.

Oh wow, I’m not even gonna try to correct any of that. You’re definitely in LOVE with drama, pretentious big words and all. I wouldn’t dare look at your tumblr blog.

Sounds like you have some issues that just made you hate anything happy altogether. That’s hardly healthy.

I wouldn’t say it’s an upgrade. The realistic lighting undoes a lot of the work that went into making the original look like a playable cartoon. The new version feels less special, and more generic.

Now I don’t know you, but that comment makes you sound like you haven’t experienced real tragedy in your life. Once you have, you’ve usually had quite enough of it to want to go over it again in your videogames.

I’ll never understand why anyone wants to experience depressing stories like this one.

Same here. First game that started the linear tunnel thing in the series or any RPG I played. Biggest game related disappointment of my life.

Height of graphics for the PSX? Not really, the very next sequel (of 5 TR games on that same system) already featured more rounded boobs.

Exactly! People give the old control method such undeserved shit, while it’s vastly superior to any of these modern spelunking games purely for the fact that it puts you in actual control, instead of reducing the entire game to a simple simon-says snap-on rail from start to end.

That’s a nicely chosen screenshot, but in motion it barely looks any different from the normal game, just a bit brighter.