
Loading times are way too short for PSX. Needs half a minute added at least. AND the polygons and textures are WAY too smooth! It needs to be a wobbly jello pixelated mess with polygon gaps everywhere.

They have these converters that change the signal to something that looks cleaner on an LCD TV, but all it does is make every sprite look like jagged square boxes, as if you’re playing it on an emulator on PC. You’d think this kinda defeats the purpose of playing on a real console in the first place, right? Yet some

Angry? You must be projecting. :)

If you think my reply was about the mere fact you used the term at all, then you’re even dumber than I thought.

“Gamers” are not one person. Though I thought that would be obvious to anyone with half a brain. But not to you apparently.

First of all, both those games are still fine to anyone who’s not a young drooling little twat who can’t look at anything that has less than 4k resolution and one trillion polygons, and lacks any sort of sense for historical context.

Oglaf is a web comic. It’s easier on the internet with its relative anonymity. Imagine something like that being physically sold somewhere that’s not a porn shop. Let’s not pretend we’ve suddenly had a revolution where sexuality is completely accepted as a part of being human, and the ingrained christian “values”

I mean it’s funny and all, but it does actually showcase the mentality of the Chinese, i.e. they can’t be trusted to handle anything without letting their sheer selfishness get in the way of good judgment. Well, moreso than most people on this earth, anyway. Which is saying a lot, I know!

I just hope the different specs won’t introduce any weird behaviour in existing games. It’s one of the many reasons I stay well away from PC gaming whenever possible.

This post is just a joke, right? You’re not actually that much of an insufferable twat, right? Please confirm.

Maybe if society was a bit less phobic of one of humankind’s most basic and essential instincts, people wouldn’t feel like they’d have to come up with an alibi for this stuff.

Not shedding any tears about this not being released. I played it and it’s just not very good compared to the first game. Perhaps that was also a factor in the decision to cancel it.

THAT is a super neat idea. With awesome results too.

Oh god that’s frightening, giving him a shirt highlights how his mouth cavity takes up a large part of his chest.

I said it first, you can’t say it back, that’s the rule.

You have no clue what you’re talking about.

You have no clue what you’re talking about.

The vendor stand with the red and white roof, is that a new procedurally generated village building? It’s been a while since I played.

Ahh the old “is this person trolling or actually THAT much of a retard?”

Whatever reason you have for getting rid of it, is not good enough.