
Spent a few months as a Wal-Mart department manager. Can confirm; WalMart is savage. The store manager and assistant manager would get a yearly bonus if a certain loss numberwas below a set goal. That number was impacted by workers comp claims so we were told to steer people away from reporting any injuries.

So...nobody looked into the accusation that some adult was being inappropriate with minors? The 14 year old was a bigger concern?

Good point. If this woman was alone and saw a black man walking down the street, and a flamboyant white man, she’d probably ask the white man to protect her. :/

No, I dont think it is more socially acceptable for a gay man to slap a woman than for a straight man (black or otherwise). Part of this social rule stems from the idea that men are inherently physically stronger than women, and any physical confrontation would be horribly one sided. With that in mind, Im sure there

My point is, it’s not at all about the shirt, it’s about whatever the hell happened prior that made it so the principal can’t dole out any punishments or reprimands without calling this girl’s mother first. She could have laced her shoes “wrong”, it would have been the same result.

Oh, I think he would. I’m saying she felt protected because she is a woman yelling at a man, not because she is a white woman yelling at a black man. (Though that could be a parallel sense of entitlement going on).

I’m not saying he was correct or justified, but I think that he believed the issue was insubordination.

I’m very curious about the prior conflicts that she had with the principal. Given that the dynamic between them has already been damaged, did either the principal or the student act appropriately here? Even though she full believed the shirt was okay, did she honestly believe saying so would result in the principal

That’s what makes me think the employee helped escalate the situation. The customer probably asked, in a way that offended the employee, that the fries be fresh. Then they argued, then the employee threw the soda. If the employee remained professional this might not have happened.

I honestly think that if she saw, say...a gay white man...she would have been just has hateful in her speech, still under the assumption that a white man wouldn’t hit her either.

I suspect she felt protected under the assumption that a man wouldn’t hit a woman. In fact, it appears she felt that assumption gave her license to say whatever she wanted. If it was a black woman, she might have not said anything. She is taking advantage of the appropriate social understanding that a man should not

As a more broad question, could chosen association with a group, and then being on the receiving end of an assault because of your association with said group, be considered a hate crime? This could be political or religious association, as these are choices. There is the proposition that since these are choices, and

I believe the idea is that the 10% low enough to be afforded, but the full bail is the amount that is enough to guarantee the defendant shows up, because that is what is owed if they skip. Unfortunately sometimes that 10% is purposefully set with the mindset that the defendant cant afford it. There was a recent case

Are the paranormal spirits black? Or the paranormal spirit hunters?

How much surveillance? They are in front of a court house of all places.

Oh...I see. That is a bit strange then, as his comment makes it sound like he is portraying her as ungrateful.

When you are dancing around for a performance, things like movement, posture, and yes, facial expression come into play. You are visually conveying an emotion, or series of emotions, through this performance. If the performance at hand would justify a smile, then being directed to “smile more” is appropriate.

flagrantly disregarding the letter that Denver public officials sent last month asking ICE to stop conducting courthouse arrests.

The Quattro system must have gone haywire.

to lie and say that Obama, a Muslim, would be in jail?